This unusual year was, financially speaking, strong. We ended the year with surplus of €28.009,49, which is €27.086,49 higher than planned.
We stayed on track in our commitment to advocate for change for people with allergy and airways diseases despite unprecedented challenges. As the pandemic reached Europe, we quickly adapted to the online mode. Our planned projects, such as Patients ShowLeadership, the European Respiratory Coalition, and the Allergy and Airways Disease Patients’ Conference proved to be not only timely, but necessary and deliverable in this new COVID-19 pandemic environment. Funds originally planned for physical events were instead allocated for online tools and services for professional and interactive digital events.
We raised €50,000 more income than planned for the ShowLeadership project and €10.000 for the Capacity Building project, while there was €15,000 less than planned for our core-programme and €26,666.66 less for the Atopic Eczema Awareness Day project. Through meticulously managing our expenditures, the EFA team achieved overall savings in the budget. We were able to move the deposit for our Annual General Meeting planned in Reykjavik into 2021, and thereon into 2022. We are happy to report that we did not waste any monies intended for our not-for-profit charitable work because of the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing restrictions.
We deferred €75,650 to relevant projects in 2021 that will build on the work of 2020 projects. As a sustainable organisation with increased commitment to staff and ensuing expenditures, we moved €100,000 income over expenditure into our social and organisation reserves to support the sustainability of our work for patients in any circumstances.
I thank sincerely our funders, sustainable corporate partners, and the European Commission for welcoming and accommodating our adaptions to be virtual, and in some cases even topping up on support. I look forward to a different kind of year in 2021 for the patients we represent, our member associations and all our partners, but an equally sustainable and resilient year for finances with an innovative and adaptable programme for EFA.
I would like to leave you with the thought that health is the most precious asset we have. Patient organisations representing people with allergy and respiratory disease fill an important gap in the health ecosystem, as we have witnessed more than ever this year. That is why the diverse support for their sustainability and growth is as crucial as it ever was.
Carla Jones
EFA Treasurer