31-dec.-21 | 31-dec.-20 | |
Operating Programme |
450.000,00 | 360.000,00 | |
Grants |
450.000,00 | 360.000,00 | |
Membership Fees |
14.000,00 | 10.000,00 | |
Projects Grants |
EFA Projects |
835.238,21 | 449.914,59 | |
Capacity Building |
94.191,66 | 150.000,00 | |
Atopic Eczema Awareness Day |
0,00 | 133.333,34 | |
Atopic Eczema Consensus Europe |
129.299,99 | 0,00 | |
Showleadership |
0,00 | 166.581,25 | |
Interest Group |
50.320,01 | 0,00 | |
Breathe Coalition |
154.600,00 | 0,00 | |
406.826,55 | 0,00 | |
EU Projects |
16.830,26 | 18.870,26 | |
Immuniverse |
3.046,36 | 5.988,31 | |
9.234,38 | 6.506,29 | |
3TR |
4.549,52 | 6.375,66 | |
Sub-total |
1.316.068,47 | 838.784,85 | |
Other |
-268.500,62 | -29.935,47 | |
Income Previous year |
0,00 | |
Deferred Income |
-274.187,37 | -49.203,98 |
Other income |
26,75 | 15.000,00 |
Honoraria for advisors |
5.660,00 | 4.268,51 |
Total Income |
1.047.567,85 | 808.849,38 |
Operating Programme |
Staff |
171.305,85 | 173.364,40 | |
Governance |
93.022,43 | 83.050,59 | |
Office |
53.560,78 | 55.543,48 | |
Equipment Depreciation and Maintenance |
5.294,46 | 2.367,79 | |
IT Support |
6.970,02 | 4.823,72 | |
Financial Charges |
1.284,03 | 1.829,57 | |
Accountant |
10.816,41 | 12.485,18 | |
Audit |
4.597,05 | 4.235,00 | |
Training |
9.199,68 | 465,85 | |
Membership Fees |
1.300,00 | 1.300,00 | |
Activities |
23.901,21 | 16.205,07 | |
Board Mission Costs |
394,34 | 1.783,51 | |
Staff Mission Costs |
751,57 | 1.472,52 | |
Working Groups & Alignments Meetings |
1.116,31 | 56,66 | |
AGM & Network Meetings |
142,20 | 4.730,90 | |
Atopic Eczema Awareness Day |
1.330,63 | 0,00 | |
Communications |
20.166,16 | 8.161,48 | |
Fundraising |
45.012,00 | 34.168,86 | |
Project Programme |
10.012,70 | 22.978,81 | |
EFA Projects |
674.120,15 | 358.319,86 | |
Capacity Building Project |
52.568 | 124.473 | |
Atopic Eczema Awareness Day |
0 | 114.939 | |
Food Detectives |
0 | 1.028 | |
Showleadership |
6.362 | 117.880 | |
Atopic Eczema Consensus Europe |
103.194 | 0 | |
Interest Group |
39.761 | 0 | |
360.347 | 0 | |
Breathe Coalition |
111.888 | 0 | |
EU Projects |
35.318 | 15.252 | |
15.877 | 5.205 | |
3TR |
10.000 | 5.256 | |
Immuniverse |
9.441 | 4.791 | |
Sub-total |
1.042.680 | 680.360 | |
Other |
0 | ||
Other Regularisation |
0 | 0 | |
Cost Regarding Previous Year |
0 | 480 | |
Transfer to social reserve |
0 | 50.000 | |
Transfer to organisation reserve |
0 | 50.000 | |
To be clarified |
0 | ||
Total Expenditure |
1.042.680 | 780.840 | |
Result of the year |
4.888 | 28.009 |