SynAir-G: informing EU policymakers about indoor air pollution in schools

SynAir-G in an EU-Funded project under Horizon Europe that aims at improving understanding of the main sources and interactions between chemical and biological indoor air pollutants in schools, to develop user- and environmentally friendly solutions and interventions to better protect health.


As a consortium partner in the project, EFA leads the communication and dissemination activities, to share the knowledge generated throughout the project. EFA also contributes to the development of policy guidelines for EU action on indoor air quality (IAQ).

In 2023, EFA launched the SynAir-G website, an important tool to update on the progress and deliverables of the project, as well as two internal and two external newsletters, communication and dissemination toolkit and guidelines, including publications and communications materials on IAQ.

The guidelines and EFA’s use of the social media accounts for the project have been proved very successful, as partners have been supporting the project organically, including online endorsement by European Commission DG RESEARCH Director for Health, Irene Nordstedt. EFA conducted specific SynAir-G dissemination actions on World Asthma Day (May), World Environment Day campaign (June) and on the International Day for Clean Air for Blue Skies campaign (September).

IreneNorstedt tweet SynAirG


SynAir-G communications

LinkedIn: @synair-g 156 followers

SynAirG MostEngagingLinkedInPost

Twitter @SynAir_G: 79 followers

SynAirG MostEngagingTwitterX 740 views and 102 users
External newsletter: 101 recipients, 13.60% clicks per unique opens
Internal newsletter: 76 recipients, 26.80% clicks per unique opens

In October, EFA organised the first SynAir-G workshop, which was crucial the first gathering to discuss IAQ in schools, and the role of research. The two-days’ workshop gathered consortium partners, including two EFA members’ community representatives as panellists. Their involvement was crucial to learn more about IAQ in European schools and its impact on children’s health, through the lens of a patient.

SynAir G workshop 3

Thanks to Pascale Couratier, General Director of French Association of Allergies Prevention (AFPRAL), and Artur Badyda, Polish Federation of Asthma, Allergy and COPD Patients’ Organisations, for bringing their national experience to SynAir-G!

IDEAL logo oficialGiven our expert knowledge of EU policies and EFA’s community, we are involved in the European Commission IDEAL Cluster, which is an initiative composed by seven EU-funded projects including SynAir-G. IDEAL aim at filling knowledge gaps on the impacts on health of indoor and outdoor air pollution, including both chemical and microbiological determinants. EFA leads the “Science translation for Policy and Practice” Working Group, to ensure that EU policy makers can make informed decisions based on the results of the research findings and in 2023 we submitted the first IDEAL Cluster Policy Strategy.