EFA’s funding is based on membership fees, European Commission project grants and sustainable and transparent partnership with companies. It is important for our organization and our members to keep membership fees deliberately low in order not to create barriers for patient groups to join our European federation.
I am happy to report that due to very careful planning and implementation of the core and project programme, EFA stayed duly within budget. Savings in some projects, in total 25,327.27, and 17,700 Euro of our core programme income were moved to support activities in 2020.
Thus, EFA ends the year with a plus of 5,295 Euro, which is almost identical to what was initially budgeted (difference: -140 Euro). EFA’s responsible social and organizational reserves have not been touched since years. - We are in good health, financially speaking.
At EFA we #ShowLeadership by including and uniting patients, and making their voices heard at all decision-making levels; that is what we spend our money on.
I would like to thank sincerely our funders for support EFA, and also the EFA Secretariat for precise financial management.
Yours sincerely,
Carla Jones
Our treasurer, Hubert Nettel sadly passed away in September. His role was covered by another board member, Ilkka Repo until the end of 2019. Carla Jones took over in helping as Board lead to close the EFA financial year.