Annual Report 2017

AGM 2017

EFA Member Delegates, Board and Staff during 2017 Annual General Meeting in Florence. 

EFA members and leadership approved our plans for the next period and official reports of activities and finances 2016 at our Annual General Meeting in Florence, Italy, hosted by FEDERASMA e Allergie Onlus. Members also reviewed our Strategy 2015-2020, and checked the progress of our strategic goals: access to good quality care, healthier environment, patient participation and research into

allergy, asthma and COPD, and clarified what the focus should be for the remaining years of our strategic cycle. External speakers from the European Medicines Agency, Patient Access Partnership and Health and Environment Alliance set the scene for members’ strategy workshops. Members shared best practices and projects from their countries in a networking session, showcasing the rich and patient driven activities and change they drive in their countries.

The AGM elected Ms Carla Jones, from Allergy UK, as new Board Member and renewed as EFA Vice- President for another period of two years Erna Botjes-Bronsdijk from Stichting Voedselallergie. We send special thanks to Dr Erika Kennington from Asthma UK, who served as EFA Board Member in 2017.

We welcomed a new Member from Spain, the Asociación Española de Personas con Alergia a Alimentos y Látex (AEPNAA).