EFA Office 2018

EFA thanks our volunteer expert patients and Members who unstintingly contribute through EFA’s advocacy or as volunteers to make Europe a place where allergy, asthma and COPD patients live uncompromised lives, have the right and access to best quality care, participate in their care and to have a safe environment. Especially to the ones that actively participated in EFA Projects:
QoL atopic eczema survey: Česká Iniciativa Pro Astma, Astma-Allergi Forbundet, Allergia-, Iho- ja astmaliitto, Association Française de l'Eczéma, Deutscher Allergie- und Asthmabund, Vereniging voor Mensen met Constitutioneel Eczeem, Asociación Española de Personas con Alergia a Alimentos y Látex, Federación Nacional de Asociaciones de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Astma och Allergi Förbundet, and Allergy UK.
Severely, Asthma!: Asthma UK, Federasma e Allergie Onlus, Longfonds, Asthma Society of Ireland, and Astma och Allergi Förbundet.
Active Patients Access Care: Hengitysliitto, Association Asthme et Allergies, Fédération Française des Associations et Amicales de malades Insuffisants ou handicapés Respiratoires, Federasma e Allergie Onlus, Polska Federacja Stowarzyszeń Chorych na Astmę i POChP, and Federación Nacional de Asociaciones de Enfermedades Respiratorias.
Special thanks to the EFA Office, and to Ms Roberta Savli for her contribution to the development of EFA’s policy and strategy as a team member from 2012-2018. Thanks also to Ms Nolwenn Coutel-Darieu and Caroline Heilpern who worked at EFA in 2018 as Communications Assistant and Health Policy and Engagement Officer respectively.
EFA thanks sincerely our sustainable funding partners who have made our work possible.
EFA thanks the work of the many organisations that embrace our mission and mission and that collaborate with us on a daily basis to defend the interests of allergy, asthma and COPD patients in Europe.