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[EFA Capacity Building] Online webinars

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A webinar series for EFA Members and their member advocates to learn online about Governance, Project Planning, Membership, Communications, Fundraising and Advocacy. 

Do you have what it takes to be advocate for the patients' needs but you are missing impact? Do you feel you could improve some skills to make a change for patients in your country? Are you very good in something but a bit weak in another one and feel that this is slowing down the development of your organisations? Then join EFA’s capacity building webinars!

This series is for EFA Members, and their membership. 

These trainings are meant to support you to have a strong presence, structure and voice at national levels in order to translate them into European policy and action and so that together we can tackle the biggest political issues on the horizon.

What is the format of the webinars?

  • This year’s training will be online sessions called webinarsmore, which you will be able to follow from your home or offices.
  • We will address six topics composed of 2 webinars per topic, a first one of 1h and the second one lasting 1h30.
  • The language will be English and the material presented will be available to all participants afterwords.
  • EFA members will also be invited to share their best practices on each of the topic identified.

What are the topics covered?


WHO: Antje Fink-Wagner, EFA's Corporate Relations and Fundraising Manager

WHAT: setting a fundraising plan, tips and tools needed for an efficient fundraising for your organisation and for funding specific projects

WHEN: Thursday 25th October from 13h to 14h and Monday 26th November

AGENDA: Read here


WHO: Elena Balestra, Membership and Capacity Building Officer at the European Patients Forum (EPF), an umbrella organisation which works with patients' groups in public health and health advocacy across Europe

WHAT: skills, tools and frameworks you need to boost your organisation’s performance

WHEN: Monday 29th October, from 13h to 14h

AGENDA: To discover here


WHO:  Vicky Marissen, Partner at EPPA a specialist management consultancy, specialised in trainings on communication

WHAT: What does it take to be a good communicator, components of good communication strategy, use of social media

WHEN: First session on Tuesday 30th October from 13h to 14h, and second session on the 3rd of December

AGENDA 1st session: To discover here


WHO: Elena Balestra, Membership and Capacity Building Officer at the European Patients Forum (EPF)

WHAT: Overcoming challenges: towards engagement and tips and tricks on membership building

WHEN: Monday 5th November, from 13h to 14h 

AGENDA: To read here

Project Management

WHO: Hans Wolters, from the Organisational Development Support (ODS), a consultancy specialised in trainings on project management

WHAT: introduction to project management, useful programmes and tools, how to maximise the impact of your projects

WHEN: Tuesday 13th November, from 12h to 13h30 

AGENDA: To discover here


WHO: Provided by Tamsin Rose, an expert in providing strategic advice on health and civil society development

WHAT: training patient leaders to develop effective advocacy skills to influence national and European health policies

WHEN: 20th November and 14th December  


Who can attend?

  • EFA's members, your members, individuals or organisations.
  • There’s no limit in participation so you can sign up to as many webinars as you wish.
  • Members who already benefited from the Capacity Building programme in the past years are eligible for participation in these webinars.


Are you interested in participating in EFA’s webinars?

Share this communication within your network! And sign yourself up!

25th October, 2018 1:00 PM