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[EFA Capacity Building] Meet and Greet the EU institutions training

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The EU at a policy crossroads: What role for allergy, asthma and COPD patients? Dates: Wednesday 10 and 17 February 2021 Context: The EFA Meet & Greet EU training is part of the EFA capacity building programme of 2020 Objective: The objective of the training is to increase understanding among EFA patient networks about the policies and opportunities. The topics have been selected to reflect EFA disease areas. Target audience: Staff, volunteers and members of the Board of EFA members. Open also to non-EFA members determined on case-by-case basis.


The EU at a policy crossroads: What role for allergy, asthma and COPD patients?

Dates: Wednesday 10 and 17 February 2021

Context: The EFA Meet & Greet EU training is part of the EFA capacity building programme of 2020

Objective: The objective of the training is to increase understanding among EFA patient networks about the policies and opportunities. The topics have been selected to reflect EFA disease areas.

Target audience: Staff, volunteers and members of the Board of EFA members. Open also to non-EFA members determined on case-by-case basis.


Day 1

EU policy framework overview: Opportunities for EFA patient advocates

The 1st day focuses on the current policy context. Session 1 presents the trends driving the EU health policy today. Session 2 goes into detail on specific policies to be discussed in 2021 and that are relevant to the work of EFA members.




Welcome and tour de table

Moderated by Isabel Proaño



Introduction to the EU institutions and legislative process

Moderated by Panagiotis Chaslaridis

Session 1


Decoding EU health policy trends – Opportunities for patient advocates

  • EU4Health budget 2021-2027: a promise for better health in Europe
  • COVID-19 health crisis: Lessons learnt and impact on EFA patients
  • European Health Union: Towards a stronger EU mandate on health


Moderated by Panagiotis Chaslaridis


Coffee break

Session 2


Policies in the spotlight in 2021

Moderated by Isabel Proaño

  • Balancing health and environment - The case of the F-gases regulation affecting asthma and COPD

Jane Scullion, Consultant Respiratory Nurse, NHS (University Hospitals of Leicester)

  • Towards stricter air pollution levels outdoors, building the case indoors

Sophie Perroud – Policy Coordinator (Health & Environment Alliance - HEAL)

  • Indoor Air Quality: Building the case for healthy indoor environments

Anita Derjanecz – Managing Director (Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Associations – REHVA)

  • Enabling better food information under the Farm-to-Fork strategy, impacting people with food allergy

Marjan van Ravenhorst - Director & consultant (Allergenen Consultancy)

Wrap up


Participants will vote on the policy to build a strategy for the next session

Moderated by Isabel Proaño
12.50-13.00 Preview of Day 2: preparing for the advocacy workshop External consultant/ Trainer

Day 2

Advocacy workshop: Effective interaction with policymakers

The 2nd day is organised as an advocacy workshop for change through policy and legislation, with the help of an external consultant/trainer. The goal of Session 1 is to provide the basis of strategic planning to roll out tailored, disease-specific advocacy at national and EU level. Session 2 looks into the ‘micro-environment’ of a meeting with a policymaker, with the objective of learning best practices for an effective and meaningful advocacy meeting. Finally, session 3 uses the Breathe Vision for 2030 as a case-study on how to connect European and national advocacy.




Welcome and introduction to the purpose of the workshop

EFA staff

Session 1


Strategising disease-specific advocacy

  • Defining your advocacy priority
  • What is needed to be ready to go, and to grow attention
  • Strategies: data, testimonials, campaigning and network

Disease-specific advocacy and the role of healthcare professionals

External consultant/Trainer (tbc)

Session 2


Informing policymakers, with the example of the policy chosen at the end of the first day

  • Who to address? Choosing the right interlocutor
  • Channels of engagement: How and when to approach a Member of the (European) Parliament
  • Preparing your meeting: policy context, background research and tailored argumentation
  • Ensuring continued dialogue

Participants’ engagement with policymakers – Sharing experiences and best practices

External consultant/Trainer (tbc)


Coffee break

Session 3


Using the Breathe Vision for 2030 at national level

External consultant/Trainer (tbc)

Wrap up


With EFA Staff

10th February, 2021 10:00 AM through 17th February, 2021 1:00 PM