The Asthma Society of Ireland, in collaboration with HSE Social Inclusion South East Community Healthcare and Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, launched in January the Asthma Education Inclusion project. The project provides culturally appropriate, literacy friendly resources and materials for Roma, Refugees, People Seeking International Protection, and the Traveller community. It sets out to improve the respiratory health of these communities by developing literacy friendly information resources to support intercultural health workers and healthcare professionals to communicate key messages relating to asthma to their client groups.
These comprehensive resources will be shared with intercultural health workers and healthcare professionals, working with these communities. They will also be made available in various accommodation centers, Emergency Reception and Orientation Centers nationwide and will be distributed by Traveller Community Health Workers through Traveller Primary Health Care Projects nationally as well as Roma community health workers for members of the Roma community.
380,000 in Ireland are living with asthma, with 890,000 likely to develop it in their lifetime. The Asthma Society operates two support services to help people with asthma and COPD to connect directly with a respiratory nurse.
For more information, and to access these new resources, visit their website.