We are happy to announce that EFA is a co-author in one of the most recent publications of 3TR – COMSA.
As part of the 3TR project, EFA works closely with healthcare professionals, researchers and other organisations to provide fundamental new insights into the mechanisms of response and non-response to treatment.
What is COMSA?
Core Outcome Measures sets for paediatric and adult Severe Asthma (COMSA) is the product of an investigation aiming to create a common patient-centric measurement tool for severe asthma in adults and children/adolescents. COMSA provides researchers and physicians with a patient-centric holistic tool that can facilitate the identification of the proper treatment for their patients, and to compare results from different studies, when used in clinical trials.
COMSA includes tools that measure quality of life, asthma control, clinical outcome measures and healthcare resource use. These tools can be applicable for both adults and children/adolescents with two versions adapted accordingly.
EFA had an active role representing patients’ points of view through the Respiratory Patient Working Group (PWG), a panel group of patients’ experts in a specific disease area that are involved in the research project through consultation throughout the life of the project. The PWG advises researchers on patients’ needs and priorities.
“There is nothing more demoralising than feeling you are ignored as the patient. Contributing to this process was rewarding, enjoyable and made me feel I could help other patients with severe asthma have a better experience than I have had as a patient,’’ witnesses one of the patients involved in the co-writing of COMSA.
Learn more Core Outcome Measures Sets for Severe Asthma (COMSA) developed by 3TR researchers. Read the publication and watch the video on YouTube.