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01 February 2018
- Digital Health, - Medicines
myAirCoach smart inhaler device

In January 2015 the myAirCoach consortium met for the first time in Thessaloniki. Three years later we came back to Greece with lots of excitement for finally seeing the myAirCoach mobile asthma monitoring and feedback devices coming into life.

Although some software and hardware components still need to be fully integrated, the smart-inhaler adapter and the bio-monitor box for the measurement of indoor air quality are ready and look very promising.

Now it is time to test the whole myAirCoach system in real settings: studies are planned in the UK and in Leiden where the first patients will have the chance to test the MyAirCoach self-management solution for asthma from the end of February.

The members of the MyAirCoach Advisory Patient Forum are contributing to make the solution as useful and effective as possible, by providing feedback on the online platform and mobile app where you can manage the date measured by the devices and by running a preliminary test of the smart inhaler adapter.

The project will officially end in June 2018 and EFA, on behalf of the consortium, is planning relevant fora to promote the outcomes, where myAirCoach will be showcased for the first time alongisde a promotional video.

For all latest news about the project please visit the website and subscribe to the newsletter which will be published in February.