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ENSP's guide to European trends in smoke free provisions

01 February 2011
ENSP, the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention, has compiled a document summarising the state of play in different European countries regarding...

EFA speaks at EC Workshop on skin allergies and research

01 February 2011
On the 9th of February in Brussels, EFA Executive Officer Susanna Palkonen spoke at an informal workshop organized by the European Commission on the theme...

PreDICTA - EU funded project

01 February 2011
The PreDicta Project, a collaborative EC-funded project in which EFA will act as a communication partner, has been launched. The first meeting was held...

EFA COPD Project follow-up

01 February 2011
After EFA's 'Call to Action' on COPD in the European Parliament in 2010 and the successful launch of the EFA Book on COPD in Europe , plans are now underway...

Announcing the EFA Allergy Awareness Project

01 February 2011
EFA has started to work on the 'EFA Allergy Awareness Project', an initiative to raise awareness of respiratory allergies as serious and chronic diseases. The...

EFA announces kick-off of the MeDALL project

24 January 2011
Barcelona, 24 January 2011 - EFA is today attending the kick-off meeting of the MeDALL project (Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy) in Barcelona....

Council of the European Union agreement

01 January 2011
On the 7th of December, the Council of the European Union (which represents the governments of the EU’s 27 Member States) reached a political agreement...

European Parliament paves way for EU cross-border healthcare

01 January 2011
On the 19th of January, the European Parliament voted in favor of a Directive on EU cross-border healthcare (see our December eZine), which will allow...

Active and Healthy Ageing Initiative

01 January 2011
Between 2010 and 2030 the number of Europeans over 65 is due to rise by 40%. This will be a major challenge for European health systems, resources and...

Health Priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU

01 January 2011
Following Belgium, Hungary has now officially taken over the Presidency of the EU, which rotates amongst the 27 Member States every 6 months. In the lead-up...

New ‘Europe for Patients’ website launched

01 January 2011
The new-look ‘Europe for Patients’ website has been launched. The site, part of the European Commission ‘Europe for Patients’ campaign to highlight...

Regulatory Science: Are regulators leaders or followers?

01 January 2011
On the 15th of December, EFA board member Lina Buzermaniene participated in a conference entitled “Regulatory Science: Are regulators leaders or followers?”...

Submission to consultation on Tobacco Products’ Directive

01 January 2011
Before Christmas 2010, EFA made a submission to the European Commission’s public consultation on the possible revision of the EU Tobacco Products’...

EFA attends the U-BIOPRED project annual meeting

01 January 2011
EFA attended the annual meeting of the U-BIOPRED project in Barcelona on the 17th and 18th of January this year. EFA is a partner in this project, which...

FEDERASMA Italy Announcment

01 January 2011
Federasma is proud to announce that after many years of hard work, the Italian Ministry of Health has issued “Guidelines for Prevention of Allergy &...

PAB co-produces Leaflet Campaign

01 January 2011
Prévention des Allergies, in co-operation with the Belgian Ministry for Health and the consumer association Test-Achats, has produced a new leaflet providing...

Association Asthme & Allergies France launches new website

01 January 2011
Asthma , Allergy, Food Allergy
Association Asthme & Allergies has launched a new interactive website. The site is a collaborative initiative which gives people with asthma and/or...

New Hope for People with Allergy and Future Generations

01 January 2011
EFA is delighted to be a partner in the MeDALL project – Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy – a large new research project that will...

Interview with EFA President Marianella Salapatas

01 December 2010
Following her presentation at the event'COPD -Why is it such a silent killer?organised by the Representation of the European Parliament in Scotland, EFA...

Debate on smoking cessation at the European Parliament

01 December 2010
On the 29th of November, Irish MEP Marian Harkin hosted a dinner debate in the European Parliament entitled ‘Quitting: the way forward’, to discuss...