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Global Allergy and Asthma Platform gets organised

01 December 2010
Asthma , Allergy
The 3rd meeting of the GA²P², the Global Allergy and Asthma Patient Platform, a project initiated by EFA, will be held on the 11th of June 2011...

Media Alert: EFA launches video clip to mark World COPD Day 2010

17 November 2010
EFA LAUNCHES VIDEO CLIP TO MARK WORLD CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE DAY 2010 Brussels, 17 November 2010 - "It took me 3/4 hours to walk 259 yards (228m)'...

Announcement: Delayed treatment of COPD Causes Avoidable Suffering

06 November 2010
Disease Causes Avoidable Suffering and Elevates Healthcare Costs According to EFA’s New Book Brussels, 6. November 2009– The European Federation...


01 November 2010
Bulgarian EFA member ABBA has launched a leaflet in English presenting the organisation and its activities. These include events to mark World Asthma Day...

Chronic respiratory diseases discussed

01 November 2010
On the 6th to the 9th of October this year the thirteenth European Health Forum took place at Gastein, Austria. It is perhaps the biggest annual conference...

EFA member NAAF celebrates 50th anniversary

01 November 2010
On the 25th of September this year, EFA had the honour of attending the 50th anniversary of the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association, NAAF. Since EFA's...


01 November 2010
1 September, Brussels: EFA had a high level meeting with the ERS and ELF on strengthening collaboration 18-22 September, Barcelona: EFA had a stand...

ENSP holds network meeting

01 November 2010
On the 8th and 9th of November, EFA attended the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP) network meeting in Brussels entitled ‘Towards...

EU support EFA Call to Action on COPD

23 July 2010
The European Respiratory Society (ERS), the European Lung Foundation (ELF), the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP), the Health...

Press Release: IHO unite to call for European action to combat COPD

14 July 2010
European and International Health Organisations unite to call for European action to combat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) BRUSSELS, 14...

Commission urged to come forward with another Environment and Health Action Plan

01 July 2010
BRUSSELS, 1 July 2010 - The "Environment and Health and EU policy" session of the European Commission’s Open Health Forum meeting in Brussels 29th of...

EFA in meetings - June 2010

01 July 2010
The Global Alliance against Respiratory Diseases Assembly, was held in Toronto, Canada on the 1st and 2nd of June. Otto Spranger from the Austrian Lung...

Belgian EU Presidency of the Council: Health Priorities

01 July 2010
From the 1st of July until the end of the year, Belgium is holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. EFA welcomes the fact that Belgium’s...

Health Stakeholders call for action

01 July 2010
A draft call for action “Together for Health – Europe 2020 and beyond, what we can do together” was prepared before the Open Health Forum and was...

Recommendations for better health and environment policies

01 July 2010
As announced in our June eZine the Workshop on integrating environment and health towards better health in the Open Health Forum, coordinated by EFA and...

Open Health Forum 2010, integrating health in all policies

01 July 2010
The Open Health Forum on 29th and 30th of June reunited many stakeholders to discuss integration of health in all EU policies. EFA was in the Steering...

Launched Call to Action on COPD at the European Parliament

01 July 2010
Just after the EU Open Health Forum on the 30th of June, EFA reunited many stakeholders at the European Parliament in Brussels to make the case for strong...

Press Release: EFA launches the first European Call to Action on COPD

30 June 2010
EFA launches the first European Call to Action on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease at the European Parliament Brussels, 30 June 2010 - EFA has...

The UN adopt a Resolution on non-communicable disease

23 June 2010
Non-communicable diseases, including chronic respiratory diseases, kill nearly 35 million people each year, including 9 million before the age of 60. The...

Will Europe Suffocate or Breathe?

16 June 2010
BRUSSELS,16 June 2010 - On June 30th following the European Open Health Forum, EFA will hold an important event hosted by MEP Catherine Stihler, at the...