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Executive Officer Susanna Palkonen took part in Philips Active Ageing THINK TANK on behalf of the European Patients’ Forum (EPF) onMay 9 in Washington. She took part in the first dialogue meeting between Eucomed, representing medical technology companies and patient organisations on May 26 in Brussels. She also took part in a working meeting of the HealthVent project, looking at the best scientific evidence linking ventilation and health in Ispra, Italy, on May30-31. Susanna Palkonen spoke on behalf of theEuropean Patients’ Forum at the International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Services in Turku, Finland, on June2. EFA President Breda Flood and board secretary Per-Ake Wecksell took part in the EAACI workshop for patient organisations onJune12in Istanbul. Susanna Palkonen took part in ameeting of the Expert Group on Indoor Air Quality of Directorate General Health 14 June in Luxembourg. EFA board member Lina Buzermaniene took part in the annual joint meeting of the EMA Working Party with Patients' and Consumers' Organisations and theWorking Group with Healthcare Professionals' Organisations, as well as the EMA Stakeholder meeting on new EU medicines safety and surveillance legislation on June 16-17 in London. A report follows in the next eZine.