1 September, Brussels: EFA had a high level meeting with the ERS and ELF on strengthening collaboration
18-22 September, Barcelona: EFA had a stand at the ERS Conference and distributed the EFA Book on COPD in Europe and the related Call-to-Action on COPD for Europe
19 September, Barcelona: The Global Asthma and Allergy Patients Platform GA²PP, an initiative from EFA coordinated by Antje Fink-Wagner, EFA Project and Fundraising Officer, held a meeting and discussed next steps. More in our next eZine.
19 September, Barcelona: At the International COPD Coalition meeting, Susanna Palkonen, EFA Executive Officer, presented 'the COPD Patient Europe Report' – EFA actions 2010. The 2nd World Conference of COPD Patients was announced by the ICC for Shanghai 6-7 November 2011.