EU Public Health Call for Proposals 2006 launched
On 14 February the European Commission launched the Call for Proposals 2006 to implement the prioritiy actions defined in the Work Plan 2006 of the Public Health Programme (2003-2008). In addition to the 25 Member States of the European Union, the call is also open to participation from Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey and by the EFTA-EEA countries.
The deadline for submission of the proposals is 19 May 2006.
AFPRAL launches allergy logo for products
France's allergy prevention association is featured in this month's French consumer publication Que Choisir. Companies can apply for the “recommended by AFPRAL” logo if the Association Française pour la Prévention des Allergies who is EFA member considers a particular product, such as vacuum cleaner for example, safe for those with allergies. A second logo "Distingué par l'Afpral" is awarded to companies that have taken steps in favour of the prevention of allergies. For more information contact Marion Rollin This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Similar type of product collaboration is in place also in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and the UK. The guiding aim is to improve the quality of life of people with allergy by endorsing safe products and influencing the market place for more.
Source: Que Choisir 424 February 2006