Call for regional Champions for Patients for Patient Safety
The Patient and Consumer workshop on patient safety, which was highlighted in the EFA Newsletter nro 1 will take place from November 27th to 1st December 2005 in London as part of the World Health Organization (WHO) World Alliance for Patient Safety. This Patients for Patient Safety -initiative is designed to ensure that the perspective of patients is a central reference point in shaping the work of the Alliance.
We want to make contact with you to identify and recruit patients, consumers, or other relevant individuals who have the willingness and skills to be effective partners with the health care community in achieving the goals of the World Alliance. The workshop will involve up to 24 patients and consumer participants, recruited from around the world. If you are interested in participating, or know someone who may be interested, the call for participants and an expression of interest form can be found at WHO website or you can alternatively email to Rachel Heath, Patients for Patient Safety Project Support Officer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.