Location: European Parliament - Jòzsef Antall (JAN) building, 6Q1 room
Date: Wednesday, 19th September, 2012 from 18:00 to 20:30
Hosting MEP: Mrs.Renate SOMMER MEP (rapporteur of the new European Union regulation on the provision of food information to consumers at the European Parliament)
The adoption of the new EU regulation on the provision of food information to consumers by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU was welcomed by EFA as a positive step to enhance the protection of the health of people with allergies. Clear and understandable food information helps consumers make better-informed choices and safe use of food, important for people with food allergy or intolerance or with special dietary requirements because some wrong choices may make them ill or even be threatening for their lives.
This event focused on:
- Mandatory labelling of allergen, underlining the crucial step forward and the room for improvement
- “Precautionary labelling”
Key speakers:
Djoeke KUNNEN Patient with severe food allergy, The Netherlands
Alexandra NIKOLAKOUPOLOU Unit E4, Nutrition, food composition and information, Directorate General Health and Consumers (DG SANCO)
Silvia VALTUENA MARTINEZ European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Stephen PUIGH Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), UK
The event poster is available for download here.
The finalized agenda is available for download here.
The event report is available for download here.
To request any further information about the event, please e-mail