EFA/ECC event to mark the 2013 World COPD Day
EFA in collaboration with the European COPD Coalition is preparing joint event to mark the 2013 World COPD Day and as a platform to launch the results of our COPD project – minimum standards of care for COPD patients in Europe. The conference will take place on the 28th November in the Residence Palace in Brussels. The event with the name: “What role for diseases and patients in shaping Horizon 2020? A COPD case study of patient involvement” will be organized under the auspices of the Lithuanian presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The day will be opened by the Vice Minister of Health of Lithuania and divided into three sessions with distinguished speakers representing research, patients, MEPs and other stakeholders.
The first session called: “Is Horizon 2020 fit to accommodate disease specific research? Is it too late to make it fit for disease purpose?” will be aiming to answer the question in the title by sharing the perspectives on the programme given by political leaders. The additional value of patient involvement will be highlighted.
The following session: “What is the best care for COPD and how can research improve standards of care for COPD?” will raise awareness of current research deficiencies in the field of COPD and in care. The stakeholders will be informed of patient needs through revealing results of EFA’s survey presented in a patient-driven booklet on minimum standards of care for COPD patients in Europe and encourage prompt actions for changes in COPD care and research.
The last session: ”Patients working with academia and policy makers to inform Research” will be focusing on the issue of how patient involvement has occurred in EU research and research policymaking as well as how it can improve in the future so patients can influence topics which may directly affect their quality of life thus enabling research based on needs.
During the coffee breaks and lunch breaks, as well as at the end of the day, there will be possibility to undergo free lung testing.
The programme of the event with additional information on how to register can be found here and the PDF version of the programme including speakers is to be found here.
Information on the event published on the official website of the Lithuanian presidency of the Council of the European Union is accessible here.