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EFA is pleased to confirm a public event on June 17th entitled “Does innovative research for allergy and respiratory disease in the European Union benefit patients?” The examples of AirPROM, EARIP, MeDALL and U-BIOPRED will present four ongoing EU funded projects where patients are actively participating and should stand to benefit from their outputs. The representatives and patient representatives from each of these EU projects will have an opportunity to present the ongoing work in their projects and explain how patients have played a meaningful role.

Panel discussions will inquire further into describing ways in which European patients, research initiatives and the EU as a whole all stand to benefit from such projects. These benefits will be assessed from the perspectives of the project coordinators, patient representatives and policymakers.

The event will present an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how patient and researchers can work together on EU funded health projects to deepen understanding of these disease areas and maximise benefits to patients. Keep an eye out for more details in future newsletters this spring!