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The European Commission has published the 2016 work programme for implementing the 3rd public Health Programme and for financing the EU contribution to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. While in the plan for 2015 there were no actions from which EFA and members could benefit, this year’s programme present some opportunities.

The 3rd health programme aims at helping EU countries to respond to economic and demographic challenges faced by their health systems and enable their citizens to stay healthy for longer. The programme started in 2014 and will run until 2020 with a total €446 million. The programme funds grants and public procurement contracts for public or private bodies, national authorities, European NGOs and international organisations. Every year, the Commission issues an annual work plan with specific priorities and opportunities for funding.

While in the plan for 2015 there were no actions in which EFA and members could apply, this year’s programme present some opportunities. Members should not hesitate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on how to benefit from this funding or refer to the briefing EFA has sent to you.