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03 April 2018
- Tobacco & Smoking, - Air Quality

It is well recognized today that tobacco smoking increases the risk of developing diseases like respiratory tract infections, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). But law has been more permissive with exposure to smoking outdoors although it involves the same type of health risks, at a lower level.

EFA member Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association has worked for several years to increase the prevention measures in the Swedish Tobacco Act, like banning smoking in public places, especially outdoor restaurants.

To prepare for the revision of the Tobacco Act (under revision now), the association conducted in 2012-14 the "We Like Non-Smoking", a project funded by the National Institute of Public Health, to encourage the creation of non-smoking outdoor restaurants on a voluntary basis, and eventually expand the Tobacco Act to restaurants too.

Since the project ended, the Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association has continued advocating for stricter anti-tobacco laws, and they are very pleased their calls are included in the Government’s draft Swedish Tobacco Act, which contains several tobacco prevention proposals, including smoking-free on outdoor premises.

The Swedish Parliament will hold a debate around the proposals for amendments to the Tobacco Act next May 15 2018. Decision and voting will happen next May 16.

To know more, check the Swedish government proposal for a new law on tobacco and similar products here.