EFA warmly invites all Members to the online Extraordinary General Meeting and Annual General Meetings that will be held on the 27th and 28th of May 2021 to shape important decisions for EFA’s future, including electing a new board .
You can view the programme and register now.
During the AGM, EFA Members will vote on the 2020 annual report and finances and review the plans and resources for 2021. Members will also examine and vote applications from patient organisations to become part of EFA, and elect four new Board members, including the vacancy for a new EFA President and a Vice-President.
On 28th May 10:00–12:30 CEST, EFA will host a ‘Best Practices’ session, where our members will have the opportunity to share the recent INFORM, PREVENT and CARE project success, goals or plans within their organisations at national level, around the 3 main objectives:
- To expand knowledge about the European allergy and respiratory patient community
- To share best practices across countries and organisations
- To create a space for discussion on common issues
Key dates EFA governance dates for 2021:
- EFA Members to send Board nominations by 13th of April
- EFA Secretariat to send AGM and EGM documents to EFA Members by 15th of April
- EFA Members to register for the EGM and AGM by 16th of April
- EFA Members to inform EFA about their voting delegates by 13th of May
- EFA Members to express their interest to present at the Best Practices session by 13th of May
- EFA Members to pay Membership fees by 15th of May