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30 June 2021
PREVENT, - Air Quality

On 8 June, the director of EFA member LongFonds (the Dutch Lung Foundation), Michael Rutgers, handed over a petition to the House of Representatives Committees on infrastructure, water management and health, and welfare and sport. The petition is based on a manifesto created by LongFonds. Named ' Give children Healthy Air ', it was launched in early April by Longfonds and Long Alliantie Nederland as issues an urgent appeal to the Dutch government to appoint a special envoy for healthy air. The call has been signed by many social and political organisations including youth organisations. The support shows that dozens of scientists and thousands of Dutch citizens are concerned about air pollution have also expressed their support.

“If the new cabinet does not work more urgently on healthy air, current and future generations will continue to experience major health problems for longer. We need to prevent children from getting sick unnecessarily and let our children breathe freely”, said Michael Rutgers.

Read more here.