Look forward to all the upcoming dates and activities to advocate for patients with allergy, asthma and COPD! To follow the international campaign days throughout the year, EFA has published a calendar to show all the thematic days and key events throughout 2022:
Date |
Month |
Day |
2022 Theme |
Hashtag |
24 |
January |
International Education Day |
Changing Course, Transforming Education |
#EducationDay #EducationForAll |
28 |
January |
World Data Privacy Day |
#WorldDataPrivacyDay |
4 |
February |
World Cancer Day |
#WorldCancerDay |
8 |
February |
Safer Internet Day |
Together for a better internet |
#SaferInternetDay |
28 |
February |
Rare Disease day |
Raising awareness |
#RareDiseaseDay |
8 |
March |
International Women's Day |
Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow |
#IWD #IWD2022 |
22 |
March |
World Water Day |
Groundwater: making the invisible visible |
#WorldWaterDay |
23 |
March |
World Meteorological Day |
Early Warning and Early Action |
#WorldMetDay |
7 |
April |
World Health Day |
Our planet, our health |
#WorldHealthDay #HealthForAll |
18 |
April |
European Patients Rights’ Day |
22 |
April |
International Mother's Day |
22 |
April |
Earth Day |
Earth Day Every Day |
23 |
April |
World Book Day |
You are a Reader |
25 |
April |
EU Alpha 1 Day |
26-30 |
April |
Allergy Awareness Week |
#HayFever |
26 |
April |
World Intellectual Property Day |
IP and Youth innovating for a Better Future |
#WorldIPDay |
28 |
April |
World Day for Safety and Health at Work |
#oshday |
29 |
April |
EU Day for Solidarity Between Generations |
3 |
May |
World Asthma Day |
Closing Gaps in Asthma Care |
#InternationalAsthmaDay #AsthmaDay |
5 |
May |
World Pulmonary Hypertension Day |
#WorldPHday |
9 |
May |
Europe Day |
#EuropeDay |
12 |
May |
International Nurse Day |
Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global healt |
15 |
May |
International Families Day |
16 |
May |
International Coeliac Day |
31 |
May |
World No Tobacco Day |
Tobacco: Threat to our environment |
#WorldNoTobaccoDay #WNTD2022 |
30 May-5 |
June |
EU Green Week |
#EUGreenWeek2022 |
5 |
June |
World Environment Day |
Only One Earth |
7 |
June |
World Safety Day |
#WorldSafetyDay |
5-11 |
June |
World Allergy Week |
#WorldAllergyWeek2022 |
2 |
September |
Patients Organizations Day |
#PatOrgDay2022 |
5-11 | September | Global Week for Action on NCDs | ||||
7 |
September |
World Clean Air For Blue Skies Day |
#WorldCleanAirDay |
14 |
September |
World Atopic Eczema Awareness Day |
#AtopicEczemaDay |
25 |
September |
World Lung Day |
#WorldLungDay |
10 |
October |
World Mental Health Day |
Mental care for all |
16 |
October |
World Food Day |
24 |
October |
International Day of Climate Action |
16 |
November |
World COPD Day |
#WorldCOPDDay |
20 |
November |
Child Rights Day |
5 |
December |
International Volunteer day |
10 |
December |
Human Rights Day |
12 |
December |
Universal Health Coverage Day |