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02 October 2023
- Research Projects


EFA joins TOLIFE partners in Barcelona to celebrate the first year of the project, highlighting important milestones of the Patient Advisory Group (PAG).  

As a partner of EU Horizon research project TOLIFE, EFA is responsible for the establishment and management of the Patient Advisory Group (PAG). PAG patient experts provide continuous feedback and ensure the inclusion of the patients’ perspective across the project. TOLIFE PAG takes on a consultative role, providing essential input on patient priorities, data collection, study design, and dissemination across different work programmes.

TOLIFE project partners including EFA aim to develop a clinically validated Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based platform to predict early exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Such a platform could be the base to optimise personalised treatment, assess health outcomes, and improve the quality of life of COPD patients.

The mission of the TOLIFE PAG is to ensure the COPD management models proposed in the project address patients’ needs in a comprehensive way. The group, composed of 13 members and facilitated by EFA, guides researchers on the appropriateness of the models, so that they are able to propose added value to patients, and the potential to improve the lives of people affected by COPD.​

PAG activities in 2023

TOLIFE PAG was setup in 2023. In the first year of TOLIFE, the PAG Members have been consulted by researchers and clinicians and provided continuous feedback on activities such as the SWOT analysis survey to better address the final user (patient) needs, the co-design process of the Clinical Protocol A, and the development of guidelines, sensors, and evaluation tools for the project. 

TOLIFE Consortium Annual General Assembly in Barcelona, Spain 

The commitment of PAG members was highly appreciated by TOLIFE Consortium during the first Annual General Assembly in Barcelona on the 28-29 of September. During the meeting, the EFA team and three PAG representatives from Spain, Ireland and France, met the consortium in person and presented the achievements of the first year of the project.

TOLIFE PAG meeting in Barcelona 1

PAG and EFA representatives attending TOLIFE Annual General Meeting 2023 in Barcelona, Spain

As for the next steps, the TOLIFE PAG members will work together to complete the feedback on Clinical Protocol A and the Manual of procedures.

Visit TOLIFE website to learn more about the project and the role of the PAG in the project.

The Patient Advisory Group is a precious resource and guidance in the TOLIFE project to ensure the project maintains a patient-centric approach for its duration.

EFA is a partner of TOLIFE, an EU-funded project which aims to develop a clinically validated Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based platform to predict early exacerbations of the disease, and be the base to optimise personalised treatment, assess health outcomes, and improve the quality of life.

TOLIFE is funded by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) and started on 1st September 2022 with a duration of 54 months.