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Making tobacco a thing of the past: WHO roadmap

07 March 2016
Asthma , COPD
- Tobacco & Smoking
A newly published roadmap of actions to strengthen implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the European Region 2015 – 2025...

EARIP: Building the investment case for asthma research and development

07 March 2016
- Healthcare
The last EARIP partner meeting celebrated in London last 23rd of February served to present the 15 most important asthma research priorities for future...

Patients will have more input in myAirCoach project

07 March 2016
- Digital Health, - Medicines
Since February several representatives from myAirCoach Advisory Patient Forum will be more intensively involved in the different myAirCoach Workpackages...

In Memoriam of Luísa Soares Branco

07 March 2016
It was with great sadness that we inform you about the passing of Luísa Soares Branco, the President of EFA Portuguese member RESPIRA. As a patient and...

Last chance to apply for EFA’s Capacity Building Project

07 March 2016
- Inequalities
For the third consecutive year, EFA has launched its Capacity Building Project aimed to leverage members capacity to be involved in our projects and run...

48 tobacco additives could be banned in the European Union

07 March 2016
- Tobacco & Smoking
The European Commission is due to develop by May 2016 a priority list of at least 15 additives contained in cigarettes and roll your own tobacco that will...

EFA Capacity Building 2015 in Spain

12 February 2016
The EFA team visited FENAER in Malaga, Spain on the 4th of November for the second meeting of EFA Capacity Building project. EFA representatives Antje...

EFA Capacity Building 2015 in Ireland

12 February 2016
The first capacity building training took place in Dublin on the 16th of October, where EFA’s representatives Antje Fink-Wagner, Giuseppe De Carlo and...

EFA Capacity Building 2015 Follow Up Meeting in Italy

12 February 2016
Building on the success of the 2014 meetings, and to follow-up with participants from the 2014 Capacity Building project, EFA returned to Italy on the...

First steps in harmonising COPD Care across Europe

04 February 2016
Europe, Belgium, France, Spain
- Inequalities, - Healthcare
Our 2014 report “Harmonizing Prevention and Other Measures for COPD Patients across Europe” revealed varying levels of COPD care across Europe. Following...

EFA's 2015 Highlights

03 February 2016
2015 was an exciting year for EFA. In a year filled with activity we want to take this opportunity to pick out some of our main highlights. One particularly...

A respiratory tour of the world - Global Alliance against Respiratory Diseases Report

01 February 2016
Asthma , COPD, Other Diseases
- Healthcare
We wrote in July that the WHO has put new focus on respiratory diseases through their ‘Global Alliance against Respiratory Diseases’ where EFA is happy...

Patient Toolbox launched by EUPATI

01 February 2016
- Healthcare, - Medicines
On Wednesday 27th of January the European Patient's Academy on Therapeuric Innovation (EUPATI) launched it's new Educational Toolbox. The online toolbox...

Innovative Medicines Initiative Call for Proposals

27 January 2016
The Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2) has recently launched its 7th and 8th Call for proposals. Call 7 includes the topics of safety, neurological...

Asthma Society of Ireland Launches Membership for Healthcare Professionals

28 January 2016
The Asthma Society of Ireland launched a special membership for Healthcare Professionals at the end of 2015. ASI works very closely with Healthcare Professionals...

FENAER’s New Board Elected and Updates on campaign activity

28 January 2016
FENAER elected a new Board at their Extraordinary General Assembly held in November 2015 in Malaga. The new Board of Directors includes the newly elected...

Bulgarian Advocacy Campaign to mark World COPD Day

28 January 2016
- Inequalities
COPD is among the most common chronic diseases in people over 45 years and one of the leading causes of death. However, the disease is commonly goes unrecognized....

Promoting MyAirCoach at DDL Conference

28 January 2016
- Digital Health
From Thursday the 8th until Friday the 9th of December 2015, EFA project officer Joke De Vocht had the pleasure to represent EFA and the myAirCoach project...

Capacity Building in 2015

28 January 2016
The 2015 Capacity Building project ended with a return to Italy, in Genoa. On 5th December EFA again met the representatives of FederASMA e ALLERGIE Onlus...

Plain Packaging Developments Spreading throughout Europe

28 January 2016
France, Ireland, United Kingdom
- Tobacco & Smoking
France is the latest country to introduce plain cigarette packaging from 2016. Cigarettes in France will be sold in plain packaging under a law that was...