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EU pharmacovigilance is still too complex

02 October 2015
- Medicines
The new pharmacovigilance legislation, which came into effect in July 2012, was the biggest change to the regulation of human medicines in the...

Sharing best practice in patient education materials

05 October 2015
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Food Allergy, Other Diseases
- Healthcare
Following its launch meeting in May 2015, EFA Patient Education Working Group held a teleconference on the 9th of September to discuss the group’s priorities...

EMA updates on the publication of clinical data and risk minimisation measures

05 October 2015
EU, Europe
- Medicines
On return from the summer break we participated in the European Medicines Agency (EMA) joint meeting between Patients and Consumers (PCWP) and Healthcare...

Food and allergens: Our contribution to Expo Milan

06 October 2015
International, Italy
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
Since May, Expo Milano (the Universal Exhibition celebrated in Milan, Italy), has hosted the ideas of more than 140 participating countries on one topic:...

MyAirCoach brochure launch at ERS

02 October 2015
- Digital Health
Self-management of respiratory diseases through the use of mobile technologies is one of the topics of the moment.  Therefore the ERS 2015 Congress...

Social determinants at the root of health inequalities in Europe

02 October 2015
Europe, International
- Inequalities, - Healthcare
Every three years the World Health Organisation (WHO) publishes a snapshot of the health situation in the European Region.  The document gives recommendations...

ASI inhaler technique campaign

02 October 2015
Asthma , COPD
- Healthcare, - Medicines
EFA Member the Asthma Society of Ireland (ASI) and the Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) have run an Inhaler Technique awareness campaign to encourage people...

6,000 Poles get their lungs tested during the Polish Spirometry Days

02 October 2015
Asthma , COPD
- Healthcare, - Air Quality
From 14 to 19 September, EFA Member the Polish Federation of Asthma, Allergy and COPD Patients celebrated the 3rd Polish Spirometry Days event. The campaign...

EFA gathering of asthma and allergy experts

05 October 2015
Asthma , Allergy, Food Allergy
- Healthcare
On the 15th of September, EFA Members travelled to Brussels to participate in a face-to-face meeting of the EFA Asthma and Allergy Working Group. The meeting...

IMI GetReal COPD case study

02 October 2015
- Medicines
On the 9th of September, the Chair of the EFA COPD Working Group, Michael Wilken, represented COPD patients’ views on the IMI GetReal COPD case study...

Registration open: Precision medicine in allergy symposium at Parliament

01 October 2015
EU, Europe
Allergy, Food Allergy
- Healthcare
On the 14th of October EFA President Christine Rolland will speak at the “European need for precision medicine in allergy and airways diseases” symposium....

EU pharmaceutical regulation celebrates 50 years

02 October 2015
EU, Europe
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Food Allergy, Other Diseases
- Healthcare, - Medicines
2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the first law on the authorisation of pharmaceuticals at EU level.  This law set the basis for...

Perfume free: new national campaign by Nordic patients

02 October 2015
Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden
Asthma , Allergy
- Air Quality
In October EFA Member Finnish Allergy and Asthma Federation will launch it's perfume free week, a campaign shared with other nordic sister associations...

Patients - Industry Dialogue

02 October 2015
EU, Europe
- Medicines
On the 22nd of September, the 10th Patients-MedTech Dialogue was held in Brussels.  The event was jointly organised by the European Patients'...

From the EFA Board

02 October 2015
Our newly elected Board had an important meeting in Brussels at the start of September. New treasurer Sharon Cosgrove has initiated a review of financial...

Call to have spare adreline autoinjectors in UK schools

01 September 2015
United Kingdom
Food Allergy
- Healthcare
EFA Member Allergy UK has published the results of a survey to gather patient views on the availability of adrenaline auto injectors on educational establishments....

Swiss patients ask for a stricter restriction on tobacco advertisement

01 September 2015
- Tobacco & Smoking
EFA Member, the Swiss Lung Association, has presented to the Swiss Federal Council in June a strategy for the development of the new Tobacco Products Act....

Emergency anaphylasis, a French patient-led campaign

01 September 2015
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
Last June EFA Member the French Assocaition for Allergy Prevention (AFPRAL) launched a major awareness campaign to improve knowledge on how to perform...

European Union launches new logo for selling medicines online

01 September 2015
- Medicines
As from 1 July 2015, all online pharmacies or online shop selling medicines in the EU must display a new logo to show they are operating legally. The was...

Innovation, air quality and food labelling, the priorities to follow after the summer

02 September 2015
- Food Safety, - Healthcare, - Digital Health, - Air Quality
It is been one year the Comission and Parliament started their mandates and until the end of 2015 this time will be translated into new policy developments...