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04 December 2015
EU, Europe
- Digital Health
On the 5th of November, EFA Senior EU Policy Advisor Roberta Savli took part in the last Policy Advisory Group meeting of the United4Health project. The...

Developments in Tobacco Control

04 December 2015
EU, Europe, France
- Tobacco & Smoking
On the 6th of November, EFA Senior EU Policy Advisor Roberta Savli participated in a meeting with the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (SG...

Webinar on the Future of Vehicle Testing

04 December 2015
- Air Quality
On the 5th of November, EFA took part in a webinar organised by Transport and Environment (T&E).  Established in 1990, T&E represents around...

EPF recommendations on the Council position on medical devices

04 December 2015
- Medicines
In November, EPF (the European Patients Forum) published detailed recommendations on the Council position on medical devices, to which EFA contributed. The trilogue,...

Horizon 2020: Launch of Work Programme 2016-2017

03 December 2015
- Healthcare
The European Commission will invest almost €16 billion in research and innovation in the next two years under Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation...

Mapping the use of European Structural and Investment funds in health

03 December 2015
- Healthcare
The report “Mapping of the use of European Structural and Investment funds in health in the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods” presents the...


03 December 2015
On the 26th of November, Jelena Malinina, EFA EU Policy and Membership Officer took part in the European Medicines Agency (EMA) Human Scientific Committees'...

Old mistakes must not be repeated with the new guidelines

03 December 2015
Asthma , COPD
In November, the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), a Swedish government agency under the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, released...

Asthma Society calls on Ireland to adopt World Health Organisation’s Air Quality Standards

03 December 2015
- Air Quality
The Asthma Society of Ireland highlighted the significant failings in the monitoring of air quality in Ireland at the launch of their 2015 Clean Air Campaign...

Save your breath with COPD Support Ireland

03 December 2015
- Inequalities, - Tobacco & Smoking, - Healthcare
To coincide with World COPD Day on Wednesday November 18, COPD Support Ireland launched their “Save Your Breath” awareness campaign. COPD Support...

Research Grant Available from International Ragweed Society

03 December 2015
The International Ragweed Society (IRS) is offering 3 grants (2 oral presentations and 1 poster) for young ragweed researchers. Applicants must be under...

Patient Education Materials from EFA Members

03 December 2015
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Food Allergy
As part of the activity of the EFA Patient Education Working Group, we have collected samples of best practice patient education materials developed by...

“It’s not too late” to travel freely with COPD

18 November 2015
- Inequalities
Press release Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is a non-communicable lung disease that progressively robs sufferers of breath. COPD is the...

The Campaign for Clean Air, Update on NEC Vote

04 November 2015
Asthma , COPD, Allergy
- Air Quality
Over 400,000 people die prematurely each year because of air pollution, and the European Commission estimates that the health-related costs in the EU range...

This World COPD Day remember it’s not too late to travel the globe!

04 November 2015
At the present time 10% of the adults in Europe are diagnosed with COPD. 3.5 million people need supplemental oxygen, and the numbers keep growing. Many...

European Need for Precision Medicine in Allergy and Airways Disease

04 November 2015
Asthma , Allergy, Food Allergy
- Healthcare
Precision medicine is an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and...

EARIP Project Update: Stakeholder Meeting Report and London Meeting

04 November 2015
Following the Stakeholder Workshop held last September at the European Parliament (report available at EFA website), EFA brought together relevant European...

Update on Capacity Building in 2015

04 November 2015
This month EFA launched its 2015 Capacity Building project.    Capacity Building Ireland The first meeting took place in Dublin on the 16th...

Has your organisation developed patient education materials? Please share them with us!

04 November 2015
Asthma , COPD, Allergy
By the end of 2015 EFA aims to collect samples of best practice patient education materials, developed by EFA Members, in the areas of asthma, allergy...

EFA “Meet and Greet EU Institutions” Training 2015

04 November 2015
On the 12th and 13th of October 2015, EFA organised its 6th annual Meet and Greet training session for members.  This session focuses on the functioning...