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Higher taxes on tobacco are reducing smoking in New Zealand

25 August 2015
- Tobacco & Smoking
Tobacco caused 100 million deaths in the 20th century and if the current trend continues, it could cause many more deaths in the 21st century: 21% of the...

More than 60 NGOs ask for clean air - NEC Recommendations

14 July 2015
- Air Quality
On 15 July 2015, the European Parliament Commitee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will vote on Julie Girling’s report concerning...

PRESS RELEASE: Environment targets should meet health priorities at the European Parliament

13 July 2015
- Air Quality
The ENVI Committee has a key opportunity to vote for cleaner air Brussels, 13 July 2015 – On Wednesday, the 15th of July, the European Parliament Committee...

Patients’ input in research: the soonest and the deepest, the better

10 July 2015
- Healthcare, - Medicines
The involvement of patients in research projects is often limited to the participation in clinical trials or other forms of research where patients provide...

Clean air is of supreme importance to our health and environment –European Parliament Group on Allergy and Asthma

02 July 2015
Asthma , COPD, Allergy
- Air Quality
On the 1st of July, the European Parliament Interest Group on Allergy and Asthma met to discuss how air quality affects EU citizens’ health and how allergy...

Patients vision to prevent allergy at EAACI Congress

02 July 2015
Allergy, Food Allergy
- Food Safety, - Inequalities, - Healthcare
If healthcare professionals, patients, industry leaders and policy makers join forces to reduce the burden of allergy, allergy prevention can be achieved...

EFA calls for more patient involvement on the development of medical devices

01 July 2015
- Medicines
The European Union is currently reviewing the regulatory framework for medical devices to establish new clinical evidence and standards and to align the...

Patient Access to Innovative Therapies - EAPM Conference

02 July 2015
- Medicines
On the 2nd and 3rd June EFA representative Breda Flood participated at the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) Presidency...

EFA Young Gasteiner meets EU Health Cabinet

01 July 2015
- Healthcare
On the 3rd of June, Senior EU Policy Advisor and Young Gasteiner Roberta Savli met with the Cabinet of the Commissioner for Public Health and Food Safety...

EU Council finds an agreement on the Medical Devices Regulation

01 July 2015
- Medicines
The Council of the European Union has come to a common position in June on two draft Regulations intended to replace the current Medical Devices Directive:...

FFAAIR Celebrates Annual Congress

01 July 2015
- Healthcare, - Digital Health
EFA Member FFAAIR (Fédération Française des Associations et Amicales de malades, Insuffisants ou handicapés Respiratoires) met on 5-7 June in Grenoble...

European Health Parliament issues 7 recommendations to improve healthcare

01 July 2015
- Healthcare
The European Health Parliament (EHP) – a pan-European platform of 80 young healthcare experts, has issued recommendations on the European healthcare,...

What is the best way towards digital health?

01 July 2015
- Digital Health
On 10th of June 2015 the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) organised a public hearing on digital health with EU representatives, academics,...

Asthma and COPD patients leading healthcare – Project pilot in Spain

01 July 2015
EU, Spain
- Healthcare, - Digital Health
EFA EU Policy and Membership Office Jelena Malinina attended the final conference of the EU funded project PALANTE presented eHealth solutions devoted...

Could genetically modified plants be beneficial for people with allergies?

01 July 2015
Allergy, Food Allergy
- Chemicals, - Food Safety
On the 17th of June, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) organised a workshop on the allergenicity assessment of genetically modified plants, gathering...

Belgium, Bulgaria and the Netherlands pursued because of poor air quality

01 July 2015
EU, Belgium, Bulgaria, Netherlands
- Air Quality
EU regulators are referring Belgium and Bulgaria to the Court of Justice over the quality of their air, which poses a major risk to health. The European...

Feasible measures to protect our health and environment from climate change

01 July 2015
- Chemicals, - Air Quality
Climate change is impacting our lives more than we think. The most obvious health impact of a warming climate is, of course, more dangers from extreme...

Bigger data for better health

01 July 2015
- Digital Health
On the occasion of the Day of Action on Data for Health and Science on 16 June 2015 in Brussels, BBMRI-ERIC -Biobanks and Biomolecular Resources Research...

Getting closer to solve the severe asthma puzzle - U-BIOPRED Results Symposium

30 June 2015
- Healthcare
On the 24th of June, researchers, healthcare professionals, industry and patient advocates gathered in Leuven for the U-BIOPRED results symposium. U-BIOPRED...

Medicines initiative opens the way for more patient involvement

30 June 2015
- Healthcare, - Medicines
IMI (Innovative Medicines Initiative) is Europe's largest public-private initiative seeking to speed up the development of better and safer medicines for...