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World No Tobacco Day - Asthma, allergy and COPD patients want plain packaging of tobacco in Europe

02 June 2016
Europe, International
Asthma , COPD, Allergy
- Tobacco & Smoking
Tobacco remains the main cause of preventable deaths and diseases, causing 700,000 deaths every year in the European Union. Yet the number of Europeans...

Energy efficient buildings, indoor air quality and people with respiratory diseases

02 June 2016
Asthma , Allergy
- Air Quality
People spend 90% of their time in indoor spaces so everyone is affected by poor air quality and pollution, but this has more negative effects for people...

EU adopts new rules for medical devices – Patients will have better information on devices

02 June 2016
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Food Allergy, Other Diseases
- Medicines
On the 25th of May 2016, the Netherlands Presidency of the Council of the European Union and representatives of the European Parliament agreed new rules...

EFA delivered the patient perspective at the Medicines for Europe launch

02 June 2016
- Medicines
For patients the value of medicines is all about how it works for their particular condition and that their benefit and safety balance fits with the individual...

European mHealth guidelines (almost) ready

02 June 2016
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Food Allergy, Other Diseases
- Healthcare, - Digital Health
The working group established this year by the European Commission is rapidly developing the guidelines for assessing the validity and reliability of mobile...

Guidelines to assess quality of care include patient outcomes

02 June 2016
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Food Allergy, Other Diseases
- Healthcare
At the end of April, the EC expert group on health systems performance assessment (HSPA) composed of European countries health authorities and international...

Our asthma in young patients news

02 June 2016
- Healthcare, - Digital Health
In May, we had the opportunity to promote the results of our Health Literacy, Young Patients with Asthma and Adherence to Treatment report, among healthcare...

EFA asthma patient leaders launch the Málaga-London Declaration (EARIP)

02 June 2016
- Healthcare, - Medicines
EFA together with our membership, and under the leadership of Asthma UK, have launched the Malaga-London declaration, a document drafted within the European...

MyAirCoach, the parents’ perspective

02 June 2016
- Digital Health
EFA’s latest report HEY YA! identifies mHealth solutions as key tools for supporting young people with asthma in adhering to their treatment. This view...

RESPIRA celebrates World No Tobacco Day in Portugal

02 June 2016
- Tobacco & Smoking
Tobacco kills 32 people a day in Portugal. To raise awareness of the main cause of COPD, RESPIRA in partnership with a group of pharmacies set up a campaign...

Respiration filters help with street dust in Finland

02 June 2016
Asthma , Allergy
- Air Quality
Street dust is a recurring problem in Finland in the springtime. The dust causes irritation to eyes, throat and noses. It is especially harmful for people...

Launch of the Asthma Museum, a multilingual website

02 June 2016
Europe, France
- Healthcare
An initiative launched in France, originally in Russian and translated into English. That is the online Asthma Museum, a website put together by Liliya...

Pollen allergy can decrease exam results! NAAF launched allergy tests in Norway

02 June 2016
- Healthcare
April is high season for birch, which is the most common and problematic pollen allergen in Norway. That is why EFA Member the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy...

FENAER raises awareness about tobacco consumption in Spain

02 June 2016
- Tobacco & Smoking
In the month of the World No Tobacco Day, EFA Spanish Member FENAER has reached out to the press to inform about the consequences tobacco has in our health,...

Bubble Day and asthma education in Ireland

01 June 2016
On May 3rd EFA Member the Asthma Society of Ireland hosted Bubble Day, their biggest fundraising and awareness event to date, aiming to raise much...

Comic on asthma diagnosis and treatment

01 June 2016
- Healthcare
Material: A comic explaining how is asthma diagnosed and treated Original name: Asthme: Depistage et Prise en Charge Author: French Federation of...

Guide to help and encourage pregnant women to quit smoking

01 June 2016
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Food Allergy, Other Diseases
- Tobacco & Smoking
Material: Guide to help and encourage pregnant women to quit smoking Original name: Mikä onkaan parempi syy lopettaa tupakointi? and Det finns...

Guide for lung disease patients cope with oxygen treatment at home

01 June 2016
COPD, Other Diseases
- Inequalities, - Medicines
Material: Guide for lung disease patients cope with oxygen treatment at home Original name: Opas kotihappihoidosta Author: The Organisation for Respiratory...

A guide to deal with astma in every day life, with self-management advice

01 June 2016
- Healthcare
Material: A guide to deal with astma in every day life, with self-management advice Original name: Opas astmaa sairastaville Author: The...

Guide for school nurses and teachers about the special needs of children with asthma

01 June 2016
- Healthcare
Material: A guide for school nurses and teachers about the special needs of children with asthma Original name:Ohje lapsen astmasta päivähoitoon/kouluun Author:...