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IMI Stakeholder Forum 2016 – Innovative medicines for patients

04 October 2016
IMI Stakeholder Forum 2016 took place in Brussels on 28 – 29 September. During the first day, the IMI scientific team provided an overview of IMI’s...

MobileHCI 2016 Conference – mHealth for patient empowerment

04 October 2016
The MobileHCI 2016 Conference took place in Florence from 6th to 9th September 2016 to discuss about human-computer interaction with mobile devices and...

EPF transparency capacity building

04 October 2016
For patients’ organisations, ethics and transparency are key values. However, practice is more difficult than it looks like, especially because these...

EFA launches its Communications Network

04 October 2016
In September EFA held the first Teleconference among EFA Members interested in sharing and learning about communications at European and national levels....

EFA Patient Education survey results

04 October 2016
Thank you to all respondents of EFA Patient Education Survey! The survey is an initiative of EFA Patient Education working group that aimed to know more...

Social media for healthcare – EMA Workshop

04 October 2016
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) organised a workshop on Social Media arising from the work of EMA Social Media Topic Group. EFA Isabel Proaño is member...

Asthma Society of Ireland has a new CEO

04 October 2016
We would like to welcome Ms. Averil Power, who has been appointed as chief executive officer of EFA Member the Asthma Society of Ireland, substituting...

Food Allergy Italia organises a sports day for allergic children

04 October 2016
EFA Member Food Allergy Italia organized on the 18th September in Padua the 12th edition of "A day of sports together" in collaboration with the Italian...

#Call4Action – Improve Lung Donation and Transplantation across the EU

04 October 2016
The European Pulmonary Hipertension Assocation has launched a call to action to improve Organ Donation and Transplantation across the EU. Organ transplantation...

In memoriam - Wim Wientjes, asthma patient, diabetes advocate

04 October 2016
Mr. Wilhelmus Henricus Joannes Maria Wientjens passed away in peace last 28th July 2016. He was an asthma patient and a devoted diabetes advocate....

Anaphylaxis Campaign to join EFA during next AGM

04 October 2016
The Anaphylaxis Campaign association, a UK charity representing severe food allergy patients, is likely to join EFA Membership during the 2017 AGM, after...

PRESS RELEASE: Smartphones could improve young people’s health literacy and adherence

27 September 2016
EU, Europe
- Healthcare, - Digital Health, - Medicines
2016 European Health Forum Gastein (Austria) – Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood. Today, 30 million European children and adults...

Respira promotes day to day outdoor breathing activities

01 September 2016
- Healthcare
EFA’s Member Respira together with a private company and a public hospital launched. The project Breath: a Day to Day Activity with the objective to...

European Association of Systems Medicine Conference

01 September 2016
- Healthcare, - Medicines
The European Association of Systems Medicine (EASyM) is organisation its first conference on October 26th-28th in Berlin, that will gather scientists from...

Health and environment associations mobilized against TTIP once again

01 September 2016
- Healthcare
In July, more than 60 non-profit associations sent a letter to the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz arguing that the European Commission...

Added-value of patient organisations – EPF survey

01 September 2016
- Inequalities
EFA Director Susanna Palkonen is actively participating at EPF Working Group on sustainability of patient organisations, which drafted a survey to demonstrate...

New consultation on the security of tobacco products – Open!

01 September 2016
- Tobacco & Smoking
EFA, in partnership with ENSP, is planning to reply to the open consultation with the purpose to collect inputs for implementing an EU system traceability...

More research into earlier diagnosis – Our response to H2020 consultation

01 September 2016
- Healthcare, - Medicines
During the summer, EFA had the chance to provide feedback on the development of the work programme 2018-2020 of Horizon 2020 (the European Union’s Research...

U-BIOPRED's role on patient involvement

01 September 2016
The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) has published an interview with Professor Peter Sterk, coordinator of U-BIOPRED, one of the first projects launched...

Vote for myAirCoach to win the EC Innovation Radar Prize

01 September 2016
- Digital Health
The European Commission has listed the myAirCoach device as one of the high potential innovations in EU-funded research and innovation projects for the...