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What do patients suffering from airways obstructions need?

06 April 2017
On the 31st of March, EFA presented the requirements of asthma and COPD patients at risk of physical failure in a Nightingale project event. The Nightingale...

Traceability measures to fight illicit tobacco trade

06 April 2017
- Healthcare
On March 2nd EFA policy adviser Daniela Morghenti participated at the event “Towards an EU-wide traceability of tobacco products: ensuring an independent...

EFA new Working Group on Health Technology Assessment (HTA)

06 April 2017
- Tobacco & Smoking
In March, EFA launched a call for interest to join a new EFA expert working group on HTA, with the aim to actively contribute to the European Commission...

Energy efficient buildings should be good for health

06 April 2017
- Air Quality
On the 30th of Mach, EFA Deputy Director Roberta Savli presented on Uncompromised ambient air quality in resource-efficient buildings at the Globe EU debate...

myAirCoach satisfactory 2nd year review and presentation at CeBIT

06 April 2017
The myAirCoach project has concluded its second year of implementation and the consortium met the European Commission to present all achievements so far...

hackAIR, when patients will measure air quality

06 April 2017
- Air Quality
How can we raise public awareness on air quality while at the same time engaging citizens in air quality monitoring and observations? The hackAIR project...

A teddy bear to teach French children about food allergies

06 April 2017
"Bilou and the allergies" is the adorable teddy bear and hero of a free pedagogical kit whose objective is to talk to children about first aid and prevention...

Swiss new learning air quality platform for pupils of aged 13 to 16

06 April 2017
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Other Diseases
- Air Quality
French and German speaking Swiss pupils, can now explore the air they breathe though an online platform put developed by Swiss federal office of environment....

‘Your allergy care – what to expect’, new UK website

06 April 2017
United Kingdom
Food Allergy
- Healthcare
Knowing what to expect from your GP or other healthcare professional following an allergic reaction, or suspicion of an allergy, will help to identify...

Scientific Panel for Health meets Commissioners for Health and Research

02 March 2017
- Healthcare
Our Director Susanna Palkonen is the patient representative of the EU Research Programme H2020 Panel for Health , charged to prepare a vision and...

New website! Steps to take to fly with medical oxygen

02 March 2017
COPD, Other Diseases
- Inequalities
Are you or someone you know going on a trip and need to have medical oxygen therapy on-board a plane? We are delighted to launch a new EFA website to guide...

EFA selected as a European Commission HTA stakeholder and new EFA Task Force

02 March 2017
- Healthcare, - Digital Health
We are delighted about the European Commission confirmation that EFA is a suitable stakeholder to become member of the Health Technology Assessment pool...

Our response to the Commission consultation on excise duties applied to manufactured tobacco

02 March 2017
- Tobacco & Smoking
EFA has replied, in partnership with ENSP, to the European Commission public consultation on excise duties applied to manufactured tobacco. From our patients’...

How to communicate health risks of air pollution? Our views at WHO meeting

02 March 2017
- Air Quality
In February we were invited to a close round table organised by the World Health Organisation European division in Bonn on the “Software AirQ+ for the...

Universal Health Coverage for all! An EPF campaign

02 March 2017
- Inequalities, - Healthcare
The European Patients Forum has launched a public campaign on access to healthcare. The campaign was launched in a public event at the European Parliament...

Our evaluation to the Commission Health Programme

01 March 2017
In February, we responded to the European Commission public consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the third public health programme 2014-2020. The...

COPD MOVE, we are looking for COPD patient ambassadors

01 March 2017
- Healthcare
During 2017 we will promote physical exercise to improve the quality of life of patients living with COPD. The first videos have already been realised...

myAirCoach will be featured at CeBIT

01 March 2017
- Digital Health
myAirCoach consortium will meet in Brussels for the second year technical review with the European Commission that will be held on the 7th of March. The...

Food allergy tips from UK youth ambassadors

01 March 2017
United Kingdom
Food Allergy
Anaphylaxis Campaign youth ambassadors scheme was launched in 2016. They are a team of young people that produce social media and website communications...

EFA alignment meeting Estonia

01 March 2017
Our Susanna Palkonen went to Estonia in February to meet the Estonian allergy and respiratory groups to introduce the value of joining our network and...