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Pollution is the largest health inequality in Europe – New Lancet’s report

09 November 2017
- Air Quality
Pollution in the air, water, soil and in the workplace is linked to an estimated nine million deaths each year worldwide – equivalent to one in six (16%)...

We are far from the harmonisation of allergen labelling in the EU

09 November 2017
EU, Europe
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
“Allergen labelling is a complex issue to approach within the European Union”, concludes the report on “Harmonisation of Approaches for informing...

The EU Public Health programme evaluation

09 November 2017
EU, Europe
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
The EU Health programme was subject of mid-term evaluation during the 20th European Health Forum Gastein that took place the 4th-6th of October. During...

Timid health activities planned for 2018 by the European Commission

09 November 2017
- Food Safety, - Healthcare, - Air Quality
The European Commission (EC) adopted on the 24th of October the Work Programme 2018, which sets up the EC’s priorities for next year activities. Unfortunately,...

Indoor Air Quality vaguely covered in the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings directive

09 November 2017
- Air Quality
The ITRE committee of the European Parliament (Industry, Energy and Research) voted last 11th of October not to include binding provisions to improve the...

Where are we at since the IgE discovery 50 years ago?

09 November 2017
The discovery of IgE antibody (immunoglobulin E)  50 years ago by Gunnar Johansson and Hans Bennich in Uppsala, Sweden, revolutionised our...

EFA Meet & Greet training will focus on European Health Technology Assessment

29 September 2017
- Healthcare, - Digital Health, - Medicines
EFA is organising next November our annual Meet and Greet training, under the theme of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and patients’ involvement....

New updates on U-BIOPRED, supported by EFA

29 September 2017
Asthma , COPD, Allergy
- Healthcare, - Medicines
The U-BIOPRED (Unbiased BIOmarkers in PREDiction of respiratory disease outcomes) outcomes, in which EFA contributed, have been summarised in an interview...

MyAirCoach, at the forefront of European innovation

29 September 2017
MyAirCoach, EFA’s smart inhaler project, has been recognised as an instrument that “provides better ways of treating asthma and helps scientists understand...

Hungary, 5th European country adopting plain packaging of tobacco

29 September 2017
EU, Europe, Hungary, International
- Tobacco & Smoking
Hungary has become the 5th country to implement plain packaging within the World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Scientific...

EU’s future: patients have a say

29 September 2017
EU, Europe
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Food Allergy
- Healthcare
EFA has participated to the ongoing discussion on the future of the European Union, a debate set back in March with the European Commission White Paper...

New findings confirm reducing environmental risk factors could reduce Chronic Respiratory Disease

03 October 2017
Europe, International
- Air Quality
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has launched a new report that demonstrates that addressing environmental risks is essential to reduce and prevent...

EFA stresses the need to reduce indoor air pollution at EUREKA conference

03 October 2017
EU, Italy
- Air Quality
EFA participated on 15 September at the EUREKA Roadshow in Italy, as civil society representative. The conference, organised by European Ventilation Industry...

A total of 4.832 signatures for Allergy and Asthma patients

03 October 2017
Asthma , Allergy
- Healthcare
The 30 September was the last day to sign #CallAllergyAsthma, the political call for European action to improve prevention, care and research on allergy...

Patients and healthcare professionals discussed our role in antimicrobial resistance at the EMA

03 October 2017
- Healthcare, - Digital Health, - Medicines
EFA Vice President Erna Botjes attended three important meetings at the European Medicines Agency: a workshop on antimicrobial resistance, the joint and...

Revolutionary thinking in the conception of asthma

03 October 2017
Our knowledge of the human body has steeped in the last decades but there are foundations still escaping our understanding, asthma development being one...

COPD already ranks as the second cause of death worldwide

03 October 2017
Europe, International
Lancet’s Global Burden of Disease report 2017 has found that Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is already the second highest killer all over...

EFA Patients at the leading respiratory (ERS) and dermatology (EADV) congresses

03 October 2017
EU, Europe
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Other Diseases
EFA Patients travelled in a delegation of five to the European Respiratory Congress to present our patients perspective on allergy, asthma and COPD to...

World COPD patients meet in Milan

29 September 2017
EFA Director of Policy and Strategyr Roberta Savli participated at a Global conference on COPD representing EFA, its members and European COPD patients....

Bulgarian patients organise a concert to inform about of air pollution

29 September 2017
Asthma , COPD, Allergy
- Air Quality
EFA member, the Association of Bulgarians with Bronchial Asthma, Allergy and COPD (ABBA), organised on 2nd September an acoustic concert in the cave "God's...