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The Swiss Pulmonary League launches 11 learning video clips for children with asthma in German, French and Italian

04 May 2018
EFA Member, the Swiss Pulmonary League, has launched eleven learning video clips to help children with asthma manage better their condition. It complements...

Patients are driving the future of Severe Asthma research through ERS SHARP

04 May 2018
- Healthcare
SHARP is a Clinical Research Collaboration promoted by the European Respiratory Society. It stands for Severe Heterogeneous Asthma Research Collaboration,...

We presented the preliminary results of the biggest-ever atopic eczema survey for patients in Utrecht

04 May 2018
- Healthcare, - Medicines
Atopic Eczema is a very common inflammatory skin disease for which the predominant symptom is ITCHING. It is often underestimated but the signs and symptoms...

ERS severe asthma satellite

04 May 2018
EFA’s president Mikaela Odemyr (Stockholm) and Susanna Palkonen (Brussels) took part in the ERS first ever Satellite symposium, dedicated to where we...

Our vision for the EU is healthier

04 May 2018
EU, Europe
- Healthcare
Last 19th of April, EFA together with other 14 organisations published a joint statement on the future of health in the EU, ahead of the Employment, Social...

The Manifesto on Influenza Vaccination at the core of the vaccination week

04 May 2018
Asthma , COPD, Food Allergy
- Medicines
Last 24th of April, EFA, together with the six other organisations, launched the European Union Manifesto on Influenza Vaccination. The Manifesto, which...

Europe aims to have a 1 million genomics database by 2022

04 May 2018
- Healthcare, - Digital Health
Health sometimes is not only linked to health ministries but to trade. Last 10th April, the European Commission Single Market directorate, celebrated the...

EFA leaders meeting on personalised medicine, data protection and sharing, real world evidence

04 May 2018
- Healthcare, - Digital Health
The next morning day, Tuesday 17th, we welcomed six guest speakers who are the top experts on their specialty in a session that explored the future of...

We welcomed a new Member and a new Board Member

04 May 2018
On April 16-17, we celebrated our Annual General Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, were EFA Members approved our annual 2017 report, accounts, budget and 2018...

PRESS RELEASE: World Asthma Day 2018

01 May 2018
Europe, United Kingdom
- Healthcare, - Medicines
Life is possible for patients with severe asthma Provided that they have accurate diagnosis Brussels, 1st May 2018 – WORLD ASTHMA DAY – Today European...

FFAAIR brings the patient perspective and needs to major respiratory congresses in France

03 April 2018
2018 has started with a bunch of important events devoted to respiratory diseases in France, and EFA Member FFAAIR has been an active member in many of...

Sweden is closer to ban smoking outdoors, as asked by patients

03 April 2018
- Tobacco & Smoking, - Air Quality
It is well recognized today that tobacco smoking increases the risk of developing diseases like respiratory tract infections, asthma and chronic obstructive...

Asthma Society of Ireland phone line helped 70% of those under 50 to avoid missing school or work as a result of their asthma

03 April 2018
- Healthcare
EFA Member the Asthma Society of Ireland FREE Adviceline service has showed extensive positive impacts for service users. The recent partnership research...

MyAirCoach will be presented at the most influential 2018 digital health conference

03 April 2018
- Digital Health
MyAirCoach is almost a reality! The consortium will participate at HIMSS & HEALTH 2.0 conference in Spain next May 27-29, the most influencial eHealth...

EU launches “Chemicals in our life” multilingual website

03 April 2018
- Chemicals
In March the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) launched a new dedicated website to inform consumers about the benefits and risks of chemicals in their everyday...

Sign the EU Manifesto on Influenza Vaccination

03 April 2018
- Medicines
On March 12, EFA launched a 10-point Manifesto calling the EU for more action to increase seasonal influenza vaccination coverage rates in Europe. Influenza...

EMA update on medicines for COPD and eczema

03 April 2018
COPD, Allergy
- Medicines
The European Medicines Agency Committee for Medical Products for Human Use (CHMP), responsible for human medicines, has granted a positive opinion on the...

EFA highlights the food labelling and nutrition needs of allergy and COPD patients at first EPF Nutrition task force

03 April 2018
COPD, Food Allergy
- Food Safety
Last 23rd of March, EFA took part in the first EU patients’ task force on nutrition organised by the European Patients’ Forum. The kick-off of this...

EFA supports the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists statement

03 April 2018
- Healthcare
Last month EFA supported the European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy, the joint objectives formulated by the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists...

EU Summit on airways diseases, air pollution and mobile health

03 April 2018
Asthma , Allergy
- Healthcare, - Digital Health, - Air Quality
Digital tools are already part of our daily life, whether they are mobile applications or connected machines. In health, digital tools can play a key role...