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Some patients with asthma are affected… SEVERELY!

03 April 2018
Europe, United Kingdom
- Medicines
In March we travelled to the UK and kicked-off our new project “Severely, Asthma!”, a video series that explores the different issues impacting the...

[EFA event at EADV] Atopic Eczema: the silent suffering of patients - Survey results and panel discussion

13 September 2018
Join us during EADV Congress in Paris to know more about the results of the biggest ever quality of life survey on atopic ezcema. (read more...) When: September...

[EFA exhibition at EADV] ECZEMA - Atopical lives

13 September 2018
During 2018 an award winning photographer she has followed 9 European patients for 2 days to know the real lives of people living with atopic eczema. Her...

[EFA Press Briefing at EADV] European Report Launch: Itching for Life

13 September 2018
Are you a journalist/editor attending EADV in Paris? Then do not miss the Press Briefing prior to the official launch of the report Itching for Life...

[EP Interest Group on Allergy and Asthma Policy Meeting] How to overcome the barriers to research in chronic NCDs in Europe? The case of allergy and asthma

13 September 2018
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are chronic and might last a lifetime. Asthma and allergies are NCDs affecting 70 million people in Europe, in the case...

[EFA Capacity Building] Online webinars

13 September 2018
A webinar series for EFA Members and their member advocates to learn online about Governance, Project Planning, Membership, Communications, Fundraising...

EFA Annual General Meeting 2018

16 April 2018
We are happy to announce that our Annual General Meeting 2018 will take place on the 16 April-17 April in Lisbon, Portugal. (read more...) April 16th,...

Take the survey: does your lung disease affect family planning and pregnancy?

07 March 2018
Asthma , COPD
- Healthcare
The European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) are looking for information to understand how people...

EFA launches Atopic Eczema working group

06 March 2018
The needs and lives of patients living with atopic eczema are very specific sometimes, that is why at EFA we are happy to announce the launch of a ...

We are 230 health organisations asking the EU for more health action

06 March 2018
Early 2017, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker presented a White Paper on the future of Europe, outlining 5 potential scenarios....

WHO encourages European action on air pollution to protect health

06 March 2018
- Air Quality
On the 13th of February, EFA Director of Policy and Strategy Roberta Savli participated in a briefing organised by our partner Health and Environment Alliance...

Good push for better air quality, but not indoors

06 March 2018
- Air Quality
The Council’s Presidency has an important impact on EU policy. Since January 2018, Bulgaria is holding the presidency and therefore establishing the...

Good Indoor Air Quality is possible if industry believes on it

06 March 2018
Europe, Netherlands
- Air Quality
EFA Director of Policy and Strategy Roberta Savli attended the VSK exhibition in Utrecht on the 7th of February, an event that brings together experts...

Eurobarometer: Tobacco is the largest avoidable health risk in the EU

06 March 2018
- Tobacco & Smoking
According to the latest Eurobarometer, tobacco consumption is responsible for 700,000 deaths each year, remaining the largest avoidable health risk in...

Patients’ safety and public health post-Brexit

06 March 2018
EU, Europe, United Kingdom
- Healthcare, - Medicines
On the 21st of February, EFA Director of Policy and Strategy Roberta Savli participated in an event organised by a broad coalition of public health actors...

Patients Access Partnership partners assembly

06 March 2018
- Inequalities, - Healthcare
On the 5th of February, EFA Director of Policy and Strategy Roberta Savli took part in Patients Access Partnership (PACT) Partners Assembly, representing...

Asthma patients are testing myAirCoach

06 March 2018
- Digital Health
In the last three years EFA has worked on the development of myAirCoach, a mHealth system for asthma patients. Now it’s time to test the system in real...

IMPARAS: Risk analysis for allergenicity of new food proteins

06 March 2018
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
On the 22nd of February, EFA Director of Policy and Strategy Roberta Savli and EFA Vice-President Erna Botjes participated in a workshop organised...

UK patients not getting their basic asthma care

06 March 2018
United Kingdom
- Inequalities, - Healthcare, - Digital Health
EFA member Asthma UK published in February their biggest Annual Asthma survey up to date: 7,000 patients responded on their daily difficulties because...

Swedish patients celebrate All Heart’s day

06 March 2018
EFA president Mikaela Odemyr represented COPD patients at All Heart’s Day, in February 14th, an event  organised by EFA Swedish member the Heart...