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Higher grades for the Swedes studying in rooms with clean air

06 March 2018
Asthma , Allergy
- Air Quality
There seems to be a connection between indoor air quality in classrooms and school results in Sweden. EFA member Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association...

Finnish patients encourage first aid training on anaphylaxis

06 March 2018
Food Allergy
- Healthcare
On the International Day of the Emergency Number 112, EFA member the Finnish Allergy, Skin and Asthma Federation launched an awareness campaign on allergy...

New guidelines to establish diets in children with food allergy

06 March 2018
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
Food allergy is becoming increasingly common in infants and young children. Managing this disease can be a great challenge due to the patients’ young...

New guidelines to establish diets in children with food allergy

06 March 2018
Food allergy is becoming increasingly common in infants and young children. Managing this disease can be a great challenge due to the patients’ young...

Severely, Asthma! project

26 February 2018
EU, Europe
- Healthcare
Approximately 30 million people suffer from asthma in Europe, and 5-10% of them have severe asthma. Severe asthma is a type of asthma where, despite people...

Go to vote, but without allergens

01 February 2018
Finnish EFA member Allergy, Skin and Asthma Federation updated their poster for the Finnish presidential and other upcoming elections. In Finland, the...

Respiratory patients will walk the Road to Santiago: join the group!

01 February 2018
Asthma , COPD, Other Diseases
FENAER member Alfa-1 Spain organises, in the last week of August 2018, the “Alfas en Camino 2018”, the inspiring exercising trail towards Santiago...

New European Tobacco Cessation Guidelines are published

01 February 2018
- Tobacco & Smoking, - Healthcare
Smoking causes a great deal of respiratory diseases. It is source of nuisance and exacerbation for people with asthma, allergy; and is the main cause for...

Join French allergy patients to get access to desensitisation treatments

01 February 2018
Allergy, Food Allergy
- Healthcare
EFA member AFPRAL (in French, l’Association Française pour la Prévention des Allergies) launched in January a campaign defending the reimbursement...

COPD should be treated as a public health emergency, French patients claim

01 February 2018
- Tobacco & Smoking
 EFA French member FFAAIR together with other patients and healthcare professionals’ organisations and with the support of a group of parliamentarians...

EMA will organise a workshop on digital health

01 February 2018
- Digital Health
We wish to report on the second TC of the Digital Health Topic Group that was held by the European Medicines Agency organised in January. As Members of...

Air quality: Many Member States not complying, EU softens pollution targets

01 February 2018
- Air Quality
Pollution is the largest health inequality in Europe and is one of EFA’s main concerns, as airways diseases patients are particularly affected by dirty...

European Commission proposal on HTA: good news for patients

01 February 2018
- Digital Health, - Medicines
On the 31st of January, the European Commission published a new proposal for Health Technology Assessment (HTA) cooperation in the European Union (EU)...

EFA Patients at BBMRI-ERIC Stakeholder Forum

01 February 2018
- Medicines
EFA's Roberta Savli participated on the 25th of January in the Stakeholder Forum meeting of the BBMRI-ERIC. The meeting served to identify the priorities...

EFA calls for a better access to employment of people with chronic diseases

01 February 2018
EFA signed the Call to Action to enhance labor opportunities for people with chronic diseases. EFA not only endorsed the Call to action but also contributed...

Where is Health within Bulgaria’s Council Presidency?

01 February 2018
EU, Bulgaria
From the 1st of January 2018 Bulgaria is holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU). The Presidency rotates between different EU...

Real World Evidence data in allergy, the case of immunotherapy - Interview with Professor Ulrich Wahn

01 February 2018
For some decades already, some allergy patients can start a treatment option called allergen immunotherapy (AIT). Immunotherapy involves exposing patients...

Skills-transfer in Belgium and Austria

01 February 2018
Austria, Belgium
One EFA’s objectives is to help in empowering members with specific needs on their work for patients. We do this through capacity building workshops,...

Welcome to an exciting 2018 for @EFA_Patients

05 February 2018
I hope you, all our members, supporters, readers and allergy, asthma and COPD patients have had a good, inspiring start of the year. At EFA, we recap...

The promising future of myAirCoach smart inhaler

01 February 2018
- Digital Health, - Medicines
In January 2015 the myAirCoach consortium met for the first time in Thessaloniki. Three years later we came back to Greece with lots of excitement for...