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New call for projects on health for Horizon 2020

19 December 2017
- Healthcare
 The European Commission is committed to guarantee better health for all, and therefore every two years the DG Research and Innovation provide funding...

Build Up Webinar: Health performance of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings

19 December 2017
- Air Quality
EFA continue to raise awareness on indoor air pollution and the need to improve Indoor Air quality (IAQ). This time, EFA's Roberta Savli explained ‘The...

Juncker replies to health community concerns about the future of the EU

19 December 2017
- Healthcare
Since before the summer, EFA together with other health non-for-profit stakeholders at European level, has been calling on the EU to do more on health...

Air pollution is everywhere, but in what form? – ERS Masterclass

21 December 2017
- Air Quality
Whilst the air we breathe has immediate effects on our health, the quality and control of the air depend on many factors, sometimes unknown to patients...

Our own homes are making us sick: Energy efficiency is part of the cure

21 December 2017
- Air Quality
Editorial: EFA President, Mikaela Odemyr. Published on Euractiv. Given that we spend 90% of our time indoors, the quality of our homes, schools and workplaces...

Spanish chambers – ‘Patient participation in European decision making’

21 December 2017
Patients from all disease areas are today involved and organized from local to European level and we come together in the European Patients’ Forum (EPF)...

#Scarfie, the Asthma UK prevention campaign for this winter

19 December 2017
United Kingdom
- Healthcare
Winter time may be hard for asthma patients. Cold air can irritate airways, triggering asthma symptoms and sometimes asthma attacks. To give hints for...

Spanish respiratory patients can access online physiotherapy for free

19 December 2017
Asthma , COPD
EFA Member the Spanish FENAER has launched a website to support patients with pulmonary rehabilitation online and for free. The website can be opened in...

Irish patients will not breathe smoky coal anymore

19 December 2017
Asthma , COPD, Allergy
- Air Quality
On the 5th December, the Irish National Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten, announced a full Smoky Coal Ban for...

Singing Christmas carols, another way of treating respiratory diseases

19 December 2017
Since October, Asmamadrid, part of EFA member FENAER, organizes singing workshops with the objective of improving pulmonary capacity and better oxygenation...

EFA Finnish member also covers now rare skin diseases

01 December 2017
Asthma , Allergy
EFA members have got to know the Finnish federation for being specialised in allergies and asthma. After being united with the Finnish Association for...

”No perfume in public places, please”, say the Swedes

01 December 2017
Asthma , Allergy
EFA member Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association celebrated this November the Non Fragance Week. Fragrances can make people with asthma or allergy get...

Longfonds launches a documentary to show the reality of COPD

01 December 2017
EFA Dutch member Longsfonds launched a mini documentary to mark World COPD Day. In the film, Lia Breed explains her story. How she had to stop to stop...

Patients organisations, their added value and importance in decision-making

01 December 2017
- Healthcare, - Medicines
In November, the European Patients’ Forum (EPF) published the report gathering key insights and opinions from the European patients’ movement, including...

Patients’ empowerment in the spotlight at the European Parliament

01 December 2017
- Healthcare
The Politico’s Spotlight: “Prevention and patient empowerment: who, when and how?” that took place at the European Parliament on the 20th November focused...

What’s the most relevant research on asthma and COPD this year? ERS respiratory update

01 December 2017
Europe, Sweden
On the 17th November EFA’s Isabel Proaño attended online the respiratory update organised by the European Respiratory Society in Stockholm, Sweden....

EFA and FFAAIR work together to build capacity

01 December 2017
EFA met with French member FFAAIR (French Federation of people with respiratory diseases) on the 15th November in Paris. The objective of this reencounter...

How to assess the risk of unintended allergens in food?

01 December 2017
Europe, Germany
Allergy, Food Allergy
Our member Deutscher Allergie- und Asthmabund e.V. (DAAB) represented EFA at the 14th November roundtable with NGOs organized by the European Food Security...

Amsterdam will be the European city for the evaluation of medicines

01 December 2017
- Medicines
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) will move from London to Amsterdam (The Netherlands) by March 2019. The EMA is the EU agency in charge of medicines...

Europe beyond coal campaign at COP 23

01 December 2017
- Air Quality
According to a new health impact modelling, in 2015 the EU’s coal fleet alone was responsible for an estimated 19,500 premature death, 10,000 cases of...