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Health research in a connected and participative Society

05 July 2017
- Healthcare
EFA co-chaired with the European Commission a session in the 2nd Annual forum of the Horizon 2020 Scientific Panel for Health, organized by the European...

'Patients experiences are helpful for policy’ says EFA President at EAACI Congress

05 July 2017
Asthma , Allergy
EFA President Mikaela Odemyr spoke at the EAACI EU Policy Stakeholder lunch celebrated on the 19 June during the EAACI Congress that took place in Helsinki...

Putting Air Quality at the core of the EU Urban Agenda

04 July 2017
- Air Quality
EFA and Allergy UK attended the First Stakeholder Workshop of the Urban Partnership for Air Quality , that took place at London’s City Hall 13 June. The...

How to make health data analysis patient centered?

04 July 2017
- Healthcare
On the 7th June, EFA Isabel Proaño presented at the event "How to create an ecosystem which unlocks the full potential of health data?", organised by...

Steps to make a tobacco free world by 2040

04 July 2017
- Tobacco & Smoking
On May 25-26, EFA participated at International Conference on Tobacco Control 2017 held in Athens and organised by our partner ENSP (European Network for...

ERS presidential summit – Research last findings on personalized treatments and medicines

04 July 2017
- Healthcare
Daniela Morghenti, EFA EU policy adviser, participated at the ERS Annual Presidential Summit hosted at Ghent University on the 13th -14th of June, where...

A transformative agenda for asthma research in Europe

04 July 2017
EFA, together with the European Asthma Research and Innovation Partnership (EARIP) partners elaborated a paper setting out what should be the European...

myAirCoach project is at its final stages

04 July 2017
- Digital Health, - Medicines
 myAirCoach is in a crucial stage and all partners are intensifying their efforts to deliver the innovative mHealth tool that will improve the quality...

Clinical Data: key to the understanding and efficacy of treatments

04 July 2017
- Digital Health, - Medicines
Systems medicine is a novel approach based on computer models which, by analyzing a large amount of clinical data, have the potential to improve the understanding...

Smart buildings should be healthy for people

04 July 2017
- Air Quality
We spend up to 90% of our live indoor, are we healthy breathing inside our homes, offices, schools, sport centers or shopping malls? Smart buildings can...

Finnish Allergy Week: Do you wash your new clothes before the first use?

04 July 2017
EFA Member, the Finnish Allergy and Asthma Federation organized its yearly campaign, Allergy Week, in April. This year the campaign theme was chemicals...

Do children in healthy class rooms perform better?

04 July 2017
Asthma , Allergy
Almedalen Week in July is an important date in the calendar as it is a meeting point in Sweden for all those looking to discuss important and topical social...

Ensure Universal Health Coverage for All by 2030

04 July 2017
- Healthcare
The alarming figures from the latest report from the Commission and the OECD ‘Health at Glance’, show that a substantial patient population is...

EFA elected to the Global Asthma and Allergy Patients’ Platform (GAAPP) Board

04 July 2017
Asthma , Allergy
EFA Deputy Director Roberta Savli was elected as second Vice-President to the Global Asthma and Allergy Patients’ Platform (GAAPP) during the last annual...

EFA 2020 - The future of allergy, asthma and COPD patients Europe

08 June 2017
- Healthcare, - Medicines
Updating and upgrading EFA priorities 2020. AGM, Florence, 22May 2017 Stanimir Hasurdjiev, Patient Access Partnership PACT and European Patient’s Forum...

EFA Patients best practices

08 June 2017
- Healthcare
EFA Patients best practices As an alliance of 42 patient associations, we can coordinate our strengths by understanding what are the successful stories...

EFA 2017 AGM: a new Member and a new Board

08 June 2017
- Healthcare
From the 21st to the 23rd May, our family of allergy, asthma and COPD patients met for EFA’s 2017 Annual General Meeting in Florence. We approved and...

Healthy buildings means less asthma and allergy

08 June 2017
- Air Quality
On May 31st we brought the patient perspective to the Healthy Building Day conference at the European Parliament. The event was organised to discuss with...

MyAirCoach presented at eHealth Week

08 June 2017
- Digital Health, - Medicines
New technologies can revolutionise the healthcare system, providing a better delivery of services and developing effective health policy. We are now able...

Air pollution remains higher than in 2014

08 June 2017
Asthma , COPD, Allergy
- Air Quality
Outdoor air pollution is the number one environmental cause of premature death in the European Union and its all inhaled though our lungs, our patients,...