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The theme of the Conference was “Protecting children’s health in a changing environment”. Health and environment ministers from 53 countries, and the European Commissioner for health and consumer policy, Mr John Dalli were present.EFA was represented by Sandra Frateiacci and Giorgio Salerni from FEDERASMA, within the group of the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) participants. They attended a seminar on ‘Indoor air quality in Europe-Preventing and reducing respiratory disease’, as well as the Plenary Session. The Parma Declaration on environment and healthwas adopted. It sets targets for the member countries of the WHO on access to safer water and sanitation, for physical activity and healthy diet in order to fight obesity. They also committed to ensure improved outdoor and indoor air quality.Mr Dalli also mentioned allergy and asthma, and said that "we need to act". To read Giorgio Salerni’s full report on the Conference: click here. To access WHO Europe Parma Conference website: click here. Giorgio Salerni, FEDERASMA,