Live-saving decisions at the European Parliament on food labelling
BRUSSELS, 14 June 2010 - EFA together with the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) highlight the importance of the plenary vote at the European Parliament on the food labelling regulation on 16th of June. MEPs have a unique opportunity to improve the life of people with food allergy in several ways, through making information on non prepacked food mandatory, and through adopting an amendment which proposes to establish European guidelines on allergen management. This could solve the issue of unregulated misleading precautionary labelling.
“More than a question of nutritional information, food information is a question of preserving health. Every European citizen has the right to know if a food product can endanger his/her life in one way or another. This regulation is for all consumers; therefore it should also take into account the urgent needs of people with food allergies.” declared Marianella Salapatas, EFA President. Press release.