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EFA’s capacity building projects have strengthened the organisational, advocacy, and communication skills of its members since they were first launched in 2014. Each training session is catered to the specific needs of our national patient associations to help them amplify their own work at the national level. The trainings vary on topics and participation depending on the context.

In 2021, EFA offered several capacity building sessions including an advocacy training for the European Allergy and Asthma Youth Parliament, a Meet & Greet with the European Medicines Agency and several personalised trainings to members targeting their direct needs.

These personalised trainings were delivered to Spanish Members, AEPNAA (Spanish Association for People with Food and Latex Allergy) and FENAER, (Spanish Federation of Allergy and Respiratory Diseases’ Patients Associations) in a joint targeted training, and to COPD Support Ireland.

AEPNAA and FENAER convened for two trainings in early January 2022 and explored how to run effective advocacy campaigns in the local, regional and national contexts. The sessions spanned over two evenings and featured expert presenters from UNICEF, Amnesty International, Iberdrola and the public relations agency that conducted them.

In early January, COPD Support Ireland completed a follow-up training with a strategic fundraising firm, specialising in philanthropic impact. Participants took away a plethora of helpful tips and tricks for building a sustainable fundraising strategy.

Reports on the targeted training will be made available in the EFA 2021 Annual Report. Check out last year’s report to learn more about the capacity building project and stay tuned for new capacity building opportunities in 2022.

Interested in developing your patient organisation’s skills but not an EFA Member? Email EFA Projects and Engagement Officer This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and start the process today!