EFA FoodDETECTives breakfast meeting in the European Parliament
EFA organises an event at the European Parliament in Brussels on Thursday 12 December 2019 to launch the report that resulted from its flagship project ‘FoodDetectives’. The report looks at the quality of life and the burden of the disease of people with food allergies in Europe, with a focus on the implementation of the EU Regulation 1169/2011 on Food Information to Consumers (FIC), in particular its provisions related to food allergen labelling. Based on these data, it sets out recommendations for both food business operators and regulatory authorities for the better management of allergens in food. An agenda of the event can be found here. (REGISTER)
December 12th, 2019 8:30 AM through 10:00 AM
[EP Interest Group on Allergy and Asthma] Championing a renewed EU agenda on allergy and airways diseases for a healthier Europe
EFA and EAACI are organising an Interest Group breakfast meeting in the European Parliament on 20 March from 8.30 to 10.00am, co-hosted and co-chaired by MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen and MEP Pavel Poc. Apart from fostering the dialogue between policymakers and civil society, the event will signal the launch of the Blueprint of the Interest Group on Allergy & Asthma, which reaffirms its commitment to better research, prevention and care policies ahead of the European Parliament elections in May and the new Commission in October/November. (REGISTER)
March 20th, 2019 08h30 AM through 10h00 AM
European Atopic Eczema Awareness Day
Join us to mark future 14th of September as the European day highlighting the lives and needs of patients living with atopic eczema in Europe.
To be part of the mailing list with updates and news to prepare for this day, please contact