The Recommendation calls on Member States to act
1. Adopt and implement laws to fully protect their citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke in enclosed public places, workplaces and public transport as...
Smoke free Europe by 2012?
The EU Health Commissioner Vassiliou presented 30 June 2009 in a press conference at the European Commission in Brussels a proposal for a European Council...
COPD Patients' Bill of Rights
The First World Conference of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Patients held 14 June 2010 in Rome by the International COPD Coalition and EFA...
Announcing EFA Conference and AGM 2010
Our next conference and AGM will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania 28-29 May 2010 and hosted by our member the Lithuanian Council of Asthma Clubs. You are...
New member and new country joins EFA
EFA Annual General Meeting 12 June welcomed Patientenliga Atemwegserkrankungen e.V. from Germany as our new member. Their main aim is to inform and train...
New Board for EFA
We are delighted to introduce the new EFA Board, elected by our AGM 12 June; President, Marianella Salapatas, Greece, Vice President, Ondrej Rybnicek,...
WHO and EFA call for global action on respiratory diseases
EFA and GARD launched a joint press release in connection our meetings in Rome highlighting that both are working with and for people with respiratory...
Unbiased BIOmarkers in PREDiction of respiratory disease outcomes (U-BIOPRED)
U-BIOPRED is a research project created under the European Commission’s...
Know Your Air For Health
BRUSSELS, 19 November 2008, World COPD Day (WCD) - EFA and Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) launched today a website
Press Release: Two thirds of people with asthma do not lead a full life
Two thirds of people with asthma do not lead a full life because of their condition, new survey reports
BRUSSELS, 6 May 2008, World Asthma Day (WAD) -...
COPD - Its hard to speak up when you are struggling to breathe
STRASBOURG, 14 November 2007, World COPD Day, European Parliament EFA-ERS-ELF Press Conference - MEP Catherine Stihler launched a written declaration on...
Does Rhinitis Lead to Asthma?
The first public campaign of the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network of Excellence in which EFA is a partner was launched 20 April in London in...
EFA-GA²LEN Workshop ‘What’s in it for the Patients?
During the GA²LEN Conference, EFA organised a workshop for members to inform in detail about the Does Rhinitis Lead to Asthma Campaign and support available...
EFA Response to the EC Consultation on Smoke free Europe
EFA very much welcomed the European Commission Green Paper Towards Smoke free Europe policy options at European level , as a significant step in our joint...
New face at the EFA Secretariat
We are delighted to let you know that Mariann Skar has started to work with us on EU policy on project basis in our Office in Brussels. Mariann is an independent...
EFA Annual General Meeting News
At the EFA AGM 30 May in connection of the Conference, president and two board members were elected. Svein Erik Myrseth from the Norwegian Heart and Lung...
Greetings from the EFA Conference in Sofia Bulgaria
Our annual conference, this year with the theme ‘Equality in Health for People with Allergy, Asthma and COPD in Europe – Through prevention and self...
THADE - EU funded project
The results of THADE (Towards Healthy Air in Dwellings in Europe) project results have now been published in Allergy - a peer reviewed journal.
The project...
Press Release: Largest survey ever on severe asthma
Largest survey ever on severe asthma highlights true impact and need for improved care across Europe
Brussels, March 5, 2007 – A groundbreaking...
Improved information of cigarette ingredients
In EFA’s November ezine we wrote to you about the debate going on at EU level on how to regulate the untested chemicals, the EU Chemicals review (REACH)....