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EFA to contribute to European Lung Foundation's Severe Asthma Patient Conference

30 November 2022
EFA partner, the European Lung Foundation (ELF), will hold a severe asthma virtual patient conference on Saturday 21 January 2023, 10:30 – 16:30 CET. The...

Slovenian EFA member Društvo AD organised its first Atopic Eczema expo abroad

30 November 2022
Croatia, Slovenia
  Based on its own previous successes, EFA member Društvo AD organised its first “Expo Atopica” outside Slovenia which took place in in Zagreb,...

Respiratory Health France holds webinar for Tobacco-free Month

30 November 2022
- Tobacco & Smoking
EFA Member Respiratory Health France hosted a webinar on 27 October, ahead of Tobacco-Free Month (Mois Sans Tabac), to help patients and the general public...

Austrian Lung Union launches COPD awareness campaign

30 November 2022
EFA Member, Austrian Lung Union launched a COPD awareness raising campaign featuring a “COPD tram” running through the heart of Vienna. COPD is a...

EFA begins recruitment for TOLIFE Patient Advisory Group

30 November 2022
EFA is participating to a new EU research project, ‘Combining Artificial Intelligence and smart sensing TOward better management and improved quality...

EFA took stock of latest patient involvement at the 3TR Annual Meeting

30 November 2022
Asthma , COPD
EFA representatives attended the 2022 Annual General Meeting of EU research project 3TR in Amsterdam on 12-13 October. EFA followed the programme for...

SynAir-G kicks off work on indoor air pollutants and childhood wellbeing

30 November 2022
- Air Quality
On 1 September the new Horizon Europe funded project, "Disrupting Noxious Synergies of Indoor Air Pollutants and their Impact in Childhood Health and...

EFA's Meet & Greet training increased patients' knowledge of the new EMA mandate and Clinical Trials Regulation

30 November 2022
- Medicines
On 27 October, EFA held a Meet & Greet EU Training on the new, extended mandate of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the setup of the Health and...

EFA response to the EU consultation on a Global Health Strategy: An opportunity for health-in-all-policies

30 November 2022
As part of the move towards a European Health Union, the European Commission launched in June a public consultation to review the EU Global Health Strategy,...

EFA calls on the EU for action to support atopic eczema patients at Politico Spotlight event

30 November 2022
EFA Director Susanna Palkonen was a featured speaker at the Politico Spotlight event, “Chronically underserved – bridging the gap in chronic care”....

EFA participates in TEHDAS workshop on health data

30 November 2022
CARE, - Digital Health
On 11 October, EFA participated in the Towards European Health Data Space (TEHDAS) workshop on citizen engagement in the European Health Data Space (EHDS)....

European Commission strengthens air pollution levels but falls short on the protection measures recommended by WHO

30 November 2022
PREVENT, - Air Quality
Addressing air quality is crucial to public health and to protect people with allergy, asthma and COPD. Late October, the European Commission presented...

EFSA Annual Stakeholder Forum meeting: EFA brings up concerns on the digitalisation of food information

30 November 2022
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
As a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) registered stakeholder since 2017, EFA was invited to lead a discussion on the digitalisation of food information...

The European Climate and Health Observatory envisions steps towards climate resilience by 2030

30 November 2022
- Air Quality
The European Climate and Health Observatory is a partnership between the European Commission, the European Environment Agency (EEA) and several other organisations....

EFA at the Codex Alimentarius Commission: The use of technology in food labelling and upcoming work

30 November 2022
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
In September, EFA participated in a crucial consultation organised by the food labelling committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The consultation...

EU adopts a Regulation extending mandate of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

30 November 2022
PREVENT, - Healthcare
In October 2022, the EU adopted  the new EU Regulation on the extended mandate of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)[1]....

EFA at the 3rd European Commission’s Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform (ZPSP) meeting

30 November 2022
- Air Quality
In October, EFA participated in the 3rd meeting of the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform (ZPSP), an informative forum organised by the European Commission...

EFA Advocacy Training: How patient associations can promote change through successful advocacy campaigns

30 November 2022
EFA’s Capacity Building programme aims to deepen EFA Members’ knowledge and skills on techniques to create strong positive impacts on policy, law,...

European Respiratory Society Congress 2022: EFA highlights for asthma and COPD patients

30 November 2022
Asthma , COPD
EFA sent a delegation of five people to the 2022 European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress, hosted in Barcelona, Spain from 4-6 September. The delegation...

EFA Report: Interest Group on Allergy and Asthma event for an EU NCD Initiative achieves better allergy and asthma health in Europe

30 November 2022
Asthma , Allergy
The European Parliament Interest Group on Allergy & Asthma organised in September a policy event: “For an EU NCD Initiative that prevents and...