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EFA joins academics in calling for EU health research in action for equality in health

20 May 2019
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Other Diseases
- Healthcare
EU health research has made significant strides in better knowledge on prevention and care related topics, but how can research actually promote equality...

Europeans have positive attitudes towards vaccination, Eurobarometer shows

20 May 2019
Asthma , Allergy, Other Diseases
- Medicines
In March 2019, the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) conducted a study on Europeans’ attitudes towards vaccination....

CURE asthma project news

20 May 2019
- Healthcare, - Medicines
In early May, CURE has been highlighted in an article presenting the project and its first results. The article can be found here. Furthermore, EFA did...

Join EFA webinar on patients’ data and research

20 May 2019
Asthma , COPD, Allergy, Food Allergy, Other Diseases
- Digital Health
The introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation in 2018 has risen concerns on the ownership and use of personal data. The use of personal data...

Increasing reporting of food allergen management problems in the Netherlands

20 May 2019
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
EFA Member, Dutch Food Allergy Foundation, has started a campaign encouraging patients with food allergies and intolerances to report bad experiences within...

New outdoor air quality factsheet by Allergy UK

20 May 2019
United Kingdom
Asthma , Allergy
- Air Quality
EFA Member, Allergy UK, has published an outdoor air quality factsheet. The quick guide provides all necessary information on how outdoor air quality links...

FENAER asks for more nurses at schools to care for asthma

20 May 2019
- Healthcare
EFA Member, FENAER, has held a special meeting with the president of the Spanish nurses and physiotherapists trade union to promote the presence of nurses...

What it is like to live with food allergies in Italy

20 May 2019
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
EFA Member, Foodallergy Italia, has conducted many activities around the EFA FOOD DETECTives project and the social media campaign #DetectiveFood. The...

World Asthma Day in Italy

20 May 2019
Asthma , Allergy
- Healthcare, - Air Quality
EFA Member, Federasma e Allergie Onlus Italia, attended a press conference on new initiatives for Asthma in the Gemelli Hospital, affiliated with the Università...

Save the Date: FENAER’s first online congress for respiratory patients

18 April 2019
Asthma , COPD
- Healthcare
EFA Spanish Member Federacion Española de Asociaciones de pacientes alergicos y con Enfermedades Respiratorias (FENAER) will hold its first online Congress...

Stichting Voedselallergie: Broadcast on food safety in hospitals

18 April 2019
Food Allergy
- Food Safety, - Healthcare
A survey co-organised by EFA Member Stichting Voedselallergie (Dutch Food Allergies Foundation) shows that hospitals are not always taking care of...

AFPRAL co-signs open letter to French Minister of Health

18 April 2019
Allergy, Other Diseases
- Inequalities
EFA Member the Association Française pour la Prévention des Allergies (AFPRAL) has co-signed an open letter calling on the French Minister of Health...

NAAF launches allergy and asthma podcast

18 April 2019
Asthma , Allergy
EFA Member Atma- og Allergiforbundet (NAAF) has initiated a podcast series to talk about allergies and asthma. Podcasts are emissions that can be directly...

EFA Capacity Building on Communications – Social Media

18 April 2019
Advocacy and communications are strongly interlinked. For both, social media are fantastic channels to spread messages and share information quickly and...

EFSA launches new framework to evaluate the cocktail effects of chemicals in food

18 April 2019
Food Allergy, Other Diseases
- Chemicals, - Food Safety
We are constantly exposed to chemicals in our daily life. It is in the cookies we eat, the cosmetics we use, and the clothes that we wear. Fortunately,...

EFA launches #DetectiveFood to denounce malpractice of allergen labelling

18 April 2019
Food Allergy
- Food Safety
To mark World Allergy Week celebrated last 7-13 of April 2019, EFA together with its Members launched a social media campaign called #DetectiveFood. First...

HTA Stakeholder Forum discusses patients quality of life and involvement

18 April 2019
- Healthcare, - Medicines
On April 11th, EFA participated in the European Network for Health Technology Assessment (EunetHTA) annual stakeholder forum in Amsterdam. The meeting...

Allergia-, Iho- ja astmaliitto celebrates 50th anniversary

18 April 2019
Asthma , Allergy
EFA Member Allergia-, Iho- ja astmaliitto (Finnish Allergy, Skin and Asthma Federation) celebrates this year its 50th anniversary and has therefore...

Allergy UK: Allergy Awareness Week

18 April 2019
United Kingdom
- Air Quality
On April 29th, EFA Member Allergy UK kicks off its Allergy Awareness Week, focusing on “Air Quality – the allergens around us”. The patient organisation...

EU Coalition for Vaccination unites for confidence

18 April 2019
Asthma , COPD
- Medicines
The first meeting of the ‘EU Coalition for Vaccination’, convened by the European Commission Directorate General on Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE)...